KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-09

ations who have by faith received Christ as Saviour will be included. The second aspect to the Lord's coming will be when He actually physically and bodily returns to the earth, with those of us who have previously been caught away to be with Him. This will be after the Tribulation when He will es­ tablish His kingdom of peace and righteousness for one thousand years (Revelation 19:11). So, until Jesus Christ appears for His Church, Christians must wait patiently for all wrongs to be righted. This does not mean that we are not to work for civic improvement, good gov­ ernment, and proper environmen­ tal control. It does mean, however, that we are not going to right all of the ills of this world. Jesus Christ alone, in His glorious Second Com­ ing, will be able to do that. The word "husbandman" in verse 7 is another way of using the word "farmer." This exemplifies the kind of patient waiting James desires to see. The farmer does not sit around indifferently. He has eager expectation as he looks for­ ward to the harvest. He will culti­ vate, spray, oil his machinery, re­ pair his barns, and a multitude of other necessary chores to be car­ ried on. The enjoyment of the crop requires time for proper growth and maturity. A good harvest de­ pended upon the early and the la­ ter rain in Palestine. The former came near the end of October to provide moisture for planting, and again in the Spring to bring the grain to a full size before reaping. Both were, and are, very necessary. In those days, only the Lord could supply these important refreshing showers. Faith had to be exercised in the promises of God. The early


Education at Biola College is unique because every effort is made to educate the total man. At a time when spiritual values and standard of reference are sadly lacking in our society, Biola is remaining true to the Bible as the Word of God. A true perspective of man and his situation must include a recognition of his spiritual nature, hence an in-depth study of the Bible and Christian doctrine is a focal point of the curriculum. Thirty-two units of Biblical studies are required for graduation, preparing graduates to honor Christ more effec­ tively in any area of service. YOU can have an important part in this unique ministry at Biola by a regular investment through the Biola Fellowship (See coupon on reverse side). We would also urge you to consider a deferred gift through Biola’s AGREEMENT PROGRAM and/ or by remembering Biola in your WILL. For fur­ ther information concerning WILLS and AGREE­ MENTS, please send coupon to the Stewardship Department at Biola. Yes, please send me information concerning THE CHRISTIAN’S WILL and Biola’s AGREEMENT PROGRAM. Mr. Mrs. Miss_______________________________________________


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