KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-09

church age understood that the Lord of the harvest would appear for an early gathering of church saints to Himself before the hour of Tribulation. After the Tribula­ tion a final harvest would come in which all men who have rejected Christ would be judged and con­ demned. Patience will reveal itself in a practical Christian life. It leads to strength and stability of character. Will you see to it that your heart is established in Him (5:8). Do not brood over injuries and injustices. May you have the confirmations of the full assurance of the return of our Lord. Rest contentedly in the hope of that fuller and brighter day that is sure to come. Daily an­ ticipation of His return, and the fulfillment of Cod's promises, has a way of strengthening faint hearts and of creating spiritual stability. The day of deliverance is nearer than we could imagine, surely than when we first believed. One of the most important les­ sons we all need to learn, regard­ less of our age or station in life, is patience. A very practical exhorta­ tion is given to us in James 5:7 as the Apostle reminds us of the com­ ing of the Lord. The example is given of a “ patient farmer who ex­ pects to wait until the autumn for his precious harvest to ripen" (Liv­ ing Letters). How we need to take courage with the knowledge of the fact that the great Judge is almost here. If anyone is to do any criti­ cizing, let it be Him. As we consider patience, what better example could we find in Scripture than that of Job in the Old Testament. As we trace his life of trials and sorrows we can see how the Lord's plan finally ended

MULTIPLY YOUR MINISTRY NOW THROUGH THE BIOLA FELLOWSHIP The Biola Fellowship consists of the many friends who share in the ministry of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary through regular pray­ er support, moral support and financial assis­ tance. You are Invited to become an active partner In The Biola Fellowship. We ask you to pray faith­ fully for the Lord’s work at Biola and urge you to regularly invest your gifts. The Biola Broadcaster, a non-subscription pub­ lication, will be mailed to you as a special gift each month. We will be happy to send you a packet of envelopes ideal for your contribution. YES, I want to Multiply my Minister now through the Biola Fellowship. I will endeavor to give for the ministry of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary at least $.... 25 10 5 3 2 1 Monthly □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Quarterly □ □ □ □ Semi-Annually □ □ □ Annually □ □ Please use my gift for: Campus Development □ Student Aid □ Radio □ General Fund □ Mr. Mrs. Miss............................... ..........................................................


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