Rock Recovery Center


B ased T herapy adventure -

Hands on & activity based Real Recovery T alk

Traditional rehab Therapy I ndividual





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VISIT US TODAY: 1509 N Military Trl, West Palm Beach, FL33409

C lean and sober can be a fun and amazing adventure. At Rock Recovery Center, we offer a unique and effective approach to drug and alcohol treatment that is combined with adventure-based activities. Located in West Palm Beach, Florida, you’ll enjoy a beautiful locale, treatment center, and World-Class Therapy Programs for an effective, fun, everlasting recovery process at rehab facilities in Florida. Your Adventure to a Total Life Transformation starts now! Our clinical staff functions as a unified, focused team, creating a warm and energetic atmosphere. All the therapeutic groups offered in our traditional program are led by experienced and qualified professionals, offering many group topics. Our addiction therapists are Master’s Level Certified Addiction Professionals (MCAP), and many of them understand firsthand what is involved in living with, and overcoming, the disease of addiction. We realize that environment is an important factor in an individual’s recovery from addiction at a rehab center in Florida. We have focused on building Therapist Offices, Group Rooms and areas for relaxation that are all conducive to progress and productivity. The process of helping our patients through their recovery from addiction is something that we take great pride in, as we’ve assisted countless individuals with taking their lives back and breaking themselves free from the chains of addiction.

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VISIT US TODAY: 1509 N Military Trl, West Palm Beach, FL33409





R ock Recovery’s Traditional Rehab Program for drug and alcohol treatment is anything but ordinary. It includes addiction education, relapse prevention, life skills training, and more. We guarantee you will receive the best drug and alcohol rehab Florida treatment and aftercare plan, based on the research, the medical assessment, and your personal needs. Quality substance abuse treatment begins with programs that have: • Teams experienced in many types of therapy • Licensed and well-educated addiction therapists • Qualified medical staff

M edication-assisted treatment is growing in popularity and acceptance among addiction recovery professionals. And now it’s taken a revolutionary step forward that could offer renewed hope to thousands of people struggling with an addiction to opioids. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a new buprenorphine implant to treat opioid depen- dence. Buprenorphine had previously been available only as a pill or a dissolvable film placed under the tongue. But the new implant, known as Probuphine, can administer a six-month dose of the drug to keep those dependent on opioids from using by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. "Opioid abuse and addiction have taken a devastating toll on American families,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert M. Califf said in a statement. “We must do everything we can to make new, innovative treatment options available that can help patients regain control over their lives.” The implant comes in the form of four one-inch rods that are placed under the skin on the upper arm. The implant must be administered surgically and comes with the possibility of certain side effects, but experts say it could be more convenient and more effective for patients. They say by eliminating the need to take pills, fill prescriptions and generally manage their medication, it makes it easier for people to focus on the other areas of their recovery while making it less likely someone will lapse in their treatment plan.

Sign of the Times Experts say the newly approved implant also provides a big boost to the concept of medication-assisted treat- ment (MAT) in general. For years, the idea that someone could achieve recovery through the use of drugs like methadone and buprenorphine was rejected by many professionals in the field who saw complete abstinence as the only true sobriety. Many still hold that belief, but attitudes appear to be changing. Top government officials say they want to increase the amount of MAT taking place at the country’s treatment centers. Several states as well as the federal government have enacted laws making it easier for physicians to pre- scribe medications like buprenorphine, but they say too few patients receive the medication they need. “Scientific evidence suggests that maintenance treat- ment with these medications in the context of behavioral treatment and recovery support are more effective in the treatment of opioid use disorder than short-term detoxification programs aimed at abstinence,” said Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in a statement. “This product will expand the treatment alternatives available to people suffering from an opioid use disorder.” ] [ "Opioid abuse and addiction have tak- en a devastating toll on American families.” - Dr. Robert M. Califf, FDA Commissioner

Although the implant is certainly a new alternative, it has yet to show any increased success in keeping people from relapsing compared to the pill or film tablet. In a study of the implant’s effectiveness, they found that 63 percent of people given the implant were free of illicit drugs at six months, compared to 64 percent of people who took buprenorphine by pill. Still, those rates are much higher than the success rates of people who follow abstinence-only treatment plans. And officials hope the new implant will lead more people to get MAT, increasing the number of successful recoveries across the country.


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Get started on your recovery adventure and come visit us today! 1509 N Military Trl West Palm Beach, FL33409

Adventure-Based Therapy Program Sitting within four walls and going through the same routine

in your recovery plan can get dull and tedious. While experiencing your treatment in a structured environment is very important, it’s also important to have fun and experience nature. Our team at Rock Recovery Center, a rehab center in South Florida, is dedicated to guiding you through your recovery in a way that works for you. Our adventure-based therapy program uses several research-proven methods that take advantage of all of what beautiful South Florida has to offer. We are not your average classroom-based treatment experience. Our clients leave our program with an unbreakable knowledge of recovery that lasts!

Don’t let your addiction keep you tied up between a rock and a hard place.. ...Unless it’s ROCK RECOVERY, we will help you out of it.

Come Visit Us Today: 1509 N Military Trl West Palm Beach, FL33409

Give us a CALL! 866.907.1778

Listen in & learn from someone like you .

Real Recovery Talk Real Conversations About Addiction & Next Steps To Overcome It For Good Our podcast features real interviews of our therapists, former addicts, parents, loved ones, and experts from around the industry, and more. It is dedicated to helping you help your loved one overcome their drug or alcohol addiction south Florida. Topics range from co-dependency, enabling, relationships, health and wellness, sacrifices, death, overcoming grief and loss, the road to recovery, choosing a good addiction recovery center, and much more.


New study looks to pinpoint transition from prescription opioids to heroin

Stopping heroin use before it begins may be the best remedy for the country’s growing epidemic. A new study looks to pinpoint the times and ways that young people rst use the dangerous drug in hopes of strengthening prevention efforts. For three years, researchers at Wright State University tracked nearly 400 18- to 23-year-olds in Columbus, Ohio, who used illicit prescription opioids but were not opioid-dependent. Of the 362 participants, 27 eventually transitioned to heroin, a rate of 7.5 percent. “We were surprised at the number of people who transitioned to heroin,” says Dr. Robert Carlson, the study’s lead researcher. “We had really no idea of what exactly we’d be able to predict.”

Predicting risk

Researchers found several predictors of increased risk of heroin use, starting with the ways in which the opioids were being used. Those who crushed or snorted the prescription drugs were far more likely to transition to heroin. “It increases the speed at which the drug is hitting the system and makes people much more liable to becoming dependent,” Dr. Carlson says. “If people can become aware that if they even think about starting to use via a non-oral route, they are heading off on a very dangerous path.”


“We were surprised at the number of people who transitioned to heroin. ” - Dr. Robert Carlson, Wright State University


Racial divide

The study also saw a difference in race among those who eventually turned to heroin. Despite roughly half the participants being African-American or Hispanic, all of the individuals who ultimately used heroin were white. Although the study could not determine the reasons behind such a strong racial divide, Dr. Carlson suggests that social networks, generational use and other circumstances could be signicant factors. National data shows the heroin epidemic has increasingly hit white males the hardest. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that between 2002 and 2013, heroin use among non-Hispanic whites increased 114 percent.

Age is just a number

The new NIDA-funded study targeted 18- to 23-year-olds because they are arguably at the highest risk for substance abuse. The study did not look at other age groups. But when considering the factors that may move a person from prescription opioids to heroin, Dr. Carlson believes age is just a number. “I wouldn’t think the risk factors for transition to heroin would be much different regardless of age group,” Dr. Carlson says. While the risk factors may be the same across age groups, the most deadly effects of heroin use are not. Research has shown that those most at risk of a heroin-related overdose fall in the 25 to 44 age range.

Targeted approach

It’s important to keep in mind that the vast majority of prescription opioid users will not move on to heroin. And signicant research is still needed to determine the social, environmental and biological factors that contribute to a person transitioning to heroin. But Dr. Carlson says he’s encouraged by the progress being made and believes the groundwork has been laid to develop effective treatment and intervention programs. “The really exciting thing to come out of this is it really gives us a rm foundation of some variables that could be targeted to prevent transition to heroin and transition to dependence,” Dr. Carlson says.


1509 N Military Trl West Palm Beach, FL33409

A ddiction recovery is not just about your state-of- mind. It’s also about the physical, meaning your overall health and personal fitness. Our research has helped us develop successful rehab programs that incorporate the most effective aspects of traditional therapy with some more hands-on, activity-based experiences. This includes our adventure-based therapy program, which aims to help you to respect your body as well as your mind. Why? Because we’ve learned that what affects your body, affects your mind.


Break free from your addiction.

Run towards your recovery and don’t look back.



Don’t stay botteled up in your addiction.

1509 N Military Trl West Palm Beach, FL33409

We will help you open the door to RECOVERY, we will help you open the door to a NEW LIFE. 866.907.1778 CALL:

1509 N Military Trl West Palm Beach, FL33409

W hen it comes to addiction disorders, some of the most effective methods for recovery are individual therapies. At Rock Recovery Center, we provide our patients with multiple options for individual therapy. This ensures that they will have the best chance at fully gaining control back over their life.

Let us connect you with a counselor one-on-one to get to the source of your addiciton. ROCKRECOVERYCENTER.COM



Still Effective After All These Years After 80 years, AA still works

For those seeking to break free from addiction to drugs and alcohol, one of the most widely used -- and easily accessible -- tools has been the Twelve Steps, first published in 1939 in the book,”Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More Than One Hundred Men Have Recovered from Alcoholism.” Not much has changed since 1939, in what the Twelve Steps require of individuals, in order to regain control of their lives. The process, known to its adherents as “working the steps,” involves taking individual responsibility for one’s actions, admitting that one is powerless to control the addiction, and seeking the help of a higher power in order to heal. The benefits of the Twelve Step method are widely known: acceptance into a fellowship of non-users who regularly attend meetings to discuss their addictions, face their actions, and atone for them through spiritual practice and forgiveness. Although Alcoholics Anonymous and its many offshoots do not conduct or allow others to conduct research into the effectiveness of the methods, the military has produced studies that show individuals who attend meetings are 60% more likely to achieve sobriety than those who do not.

Millions of men and women around the world have used the Twelve Steps to break free from a wide variety of addictions and compulsions. More than 200 self-help organizations around the world have adopted twelve-step principles for help with compulsion for, and/or addiction to, gambling, crime, food, sex, hoarding, debting and over-working, among others.

Where did the Twelve Steps come from? According to an article published by AA co-founder Bill W. in 1953, there were three primary sources of inspiration: the Oxford Groups, Dr. William D. Silkworth of Towns Hospital and the famed psychologist, William James, widely considered the father of modern psychology. The Oxford Groups, an evangelical movement which became popular in the 1920’s and early 30’s, preached concepts like absolute honesty, absolute purity, absolute unselfishness and absolute love. “The Twelve Steps could be considered a personal roadmap for achieving sobriety and serenity.”


Combining science and spirituality William James’ major contribution to the philosophical underpinnings of AA was his book “Varieties of Religious Experience.” In his book, James provided scientific validation for the concept of spiritual experiences, which he said could transform people and enable them to overcome personal defeat and find recovery. The Twelve Steps could be considered a personal roadmap for achieving sobriety and serenity and living a life of freedom from addiction to alcohol and drugs. Each of the steps is only one sentence in length, but each one contains enough universally applicable wisdom and power to fill a book. While the 12 steps has provided a path to recovery for countless alcoholics, drug addicts and others seeking to break free from addictive or compulsive behavior, they have also sparked controversy and debate over the decades. The major source of controversy is AA’s longstanding emphasis on a belief in God. AA supporters point out that, in the AA context, that means belief in “a higher power,” a belief in something larger than the self. The phrase was coined in the early years of AA.

They also practiced a type of confession, which they called “sharing,” the making of amends for harms done they called “restitution.” They believed in the value of “quiet time,” a form of meditation and seeking of God’s guidance, practiced in both group and individual settings. Dr. Silkworth spent years helping alcoholics dry out at Towns Hospital in New York City. One of his core beliefs, which he often spoke on, was the disease concept of alcoholism -- defined as an obsession of the mind combined with an allergy of the body.

“’Higher power’ doesn’t necessarily mean a deity, and those who use the steps are free to interpret that phrase as they see fit.”

“Higher power” doesn’t necessarily have to mean a deity, and that those who use the steps are free to interpret that phrase as they see fit, based on their personal beliefs. The phrase could be applied to mean the power of the group, or nature. Some AA members around the world who don’t accept faith in a god as a necessary tenet have formed their own agnostic AA groups. More than 90 unofficial, self-described “agnostic AA” groups now meet regularly in the U.S., according to The debate continues. Some think the 82-year old organization has drifted away from its core principles and become too lenient, Lee Ann Kaskutas, senior scientist at the Public Health Institute’s Alcohol Research Group in Emeryville, Calif., told “Others think it’s too strict, so they want to change AA and make it get with the times.” Newcomers to AA are often advised to “take what you need and leave the rest,” Kaskutas points out. That flexibility allows participants to put together a recovery program that fits their needs. It’s one of the reason AA still works for people, eight decades after its founding.

1509 N Military Trl, West Palm Beach, FL33409

O ur sober living homes provide a living environment designed to support your efforts to maintain your sobriety from using drugs or alcohol. At our South Florida addiction recovery center, our homes are comfortable and safe. They are also equipped with most of the common necessities, including toiletries, cleaning supplies, bedding, towels, and more.




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