We all have a shared responsibility to minimise the risk of COVID-19. Our COVID-19 Safety Plan outlines the controls we implement to manage risks associated with COVID-19 transmission.
Our COVID-19 Safety Plan | Visitors
A guide for visitors entering University premises or premises where University operated programs and events are held
Our Responsibilities
Our responsibilities may change in line with government requirements in response to COVID-19 transmission in the community. We will need to remain agile and stay up to date on Public Health COVID-19 information.
We all have a shared responsibility to minimise the risk of COVID-19.
Controls for managing transmission and risks on campus COVID-19 RESPONSE & SAFETY PLAN
It's important you comply with our face mask requirements (traffic light model): Red (mandated in all indoor settings) Orange (mandated in certain higher risk indoor settings) Green (individual choice)
Mask Requirements
We strongly encourage our visitors (including children, where possible) to be fully vaccinated or wear a mask.
If you have received a positive test and attended our campuses while symptomatic please let your University point of contact know – they will inform the University response management team. The Response Team will monitor cases in the University community to: • Establish links between cases, close contacts and locations. • Regularly liaise with Public Health to assist in decision making. • Help inform on campus management.
Positive Cases
Close Contacts
If you or a member of your household are required to isolate or quarantine, you must follow all Public Health directions and reconsider coming to campus.
Operational Requirements
When hosting visitors please review the University’s Operational Requirements which outline expected COVID safe behaviours.
To access University premises or premises where University operated programs are held our visitors are required to: • Stay home if you feel unwell: If you start to feel unwell and have any symptoms, however mild, please do not come to campus. RAT (Rapid Antigen Test) kits are available from Public Health. Visit the Tasmanian website for information on how to get a RAT kit. • If you are a close contact, but have no symptoms, reconsider coming to campus.
Access to campus
• Comply with Public Health and University directions.
The more space between people, the harder it is for the virus to move between people. • Maintain at least 1.5m from others. If this is not possible, minimise the duration of contact and wear a face mask. • Consider holding walking meetings, or meet outdoors if weather permits. • Wear a properly fitted mask when physical distancing is not possible and in poorly ventilated settings. • Clean your hands frequently with alcohol based hand rub or soap and water. • Cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of used tissues immediately and clean hands regularly. • Try to limit sharing of equipment, objects, tools or vehicles, but where this is not feasible, use provided cleaning products and safe work procedures so that they can be cleaned before and after each use.
Physical Distancing
Hygiene and cleaning
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