King's Business - 1951-03

SACRED PIANO SOLOS “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations, Chimes. Suitable for radio performances. Each 35c, ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif. CHRISTIANS SHOULD buy Bibles, Commentaries, Christian Books, Devotional Books, Bookmarks, Cards, and some good Christian gifts for their friends. Write us for one of our catalogs. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. Ten in One Chem ical Gospel Mystery Can 10 Gospel lessons with on e can. Chem icals supplied and named. Arnold Carl Westphal, M ichigan City, Ind. FREE THE LORD’ S PRAYER PLASTIC POCKET CALENDAR Spreading daily prayer. Dime donations help. Robt. E. Pfaeffle 45 Guerrero St. San Francisco 3, Calif. “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus”

within the veil, whither the forerun­ ner is for us entered, even Jesus.” My Christian friends brought me these reassurances when I needed them most. There was, first of all, the never-to-be-forgotten funeral ser­ mon on the Christian’s hope after death. With the undying words of the Blessed Book, my faltering heart was raised to the very throne of God where I saw by faith the risen Son of God high and lifted up and my loved one safe forevermore with Him. My frantic inner questionings were answered with blessedly familiar words like these: “ I am the resurrec­ tion and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and be­ lieveth in me shall never die” ; “ But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.” And there were added such consoling statements as these: “ There was no period of unconscious­ ness with our brother. Absent from the body, he was immediately pres­ ent with the Lord. And he felt no strangeness there, for he was at home!” Another assisting with the services exclaimed triumphantly: “He is not dead! He lives today in the presence of Him whom he loved and faithfully served! He has passed into abundant and unending life!” Hundreds of similar sentiments were poured into my aching heart. With one accord, my fellow-Christians declared their conviction that my hus­ band was still alive, with the Lord, in Heaven, and in perfect bliss. From numerous cards and letters I select some of these confident statements: “ His death is Heaven’s gain; you must not wish him back” ; “ He has gone to be where his heart has been all the time” ; “ How wonderful for you to know where he is!” ; “ I with you am already looking forward to meeting him up there in the presence of Christ” ; “ He went the ideal way: reading the Book one moment and in the presence of the Author the next” ; “ For him the translation was glori­ ous” ; “ I am sure the trumpets sound­ ed on the other side” ; “ He has en­ tered into the mansion the Lord has now ready for him” ; “ Today he is beholding His glory” ; “ I am glad you know you are only separated tempo­ rarily” ; “ Think of the honor: he will come with Jesus when He comes” ; “What a joy to know his pilgrimage is ended; what an abundant entrance into Heaven he must have had” ; “ He is seeing the face of Jesus whom he served so tirelessly” ; “ Heaven must be very close to you since he is there” ; “ I believe God summoned him

to be on the welcoming committee to descend with Christ when we are caught up in the air.” Like the very Balm of Gilead these words from Christians from different parts of the country, in various walks of life, fell upon my heart. Their con­ fidence in the Word of God, in the facts of Heaven and the resurrection, lifted my soul from the leaden depths of despair. I began to see that I should not wish my husband to miss one moment of that “ fulness of joy” which is the portion of those who are in the presence of the Lamb of God; that I should rejoice with him that the trials of this life were over, his examinations safely passed, his eter­ nal rest attained.. This accumulation of personal testi­ mony to the actuality of “ that better country . . . an heavenly” fortified me as did nothing else in that time of severe testing. For the delightful fragrances of all the flowers on earth and the sweetest melodies of all the music in the universe cannot remove the horror and pain of death. Death is an enemy and when his hand is laid upon our own, it is more than mortal can bear; and those who wish to comfort the bereaved must bring to the faltering spirit the spiritual strength of their own faith in a res­ urrection from the dead. In no better way can believers “ bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Then say to the bereaved Christian that it is real: that Christ is real; that Heaven is real; and our resurrection will be as real as was that of our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise for the Departed What more shall we say to the be­ reaved child of God? Since my hus­ band was a minister, oftentimes I accompanied him when he called upon those who had lost their loved ones by death. I noticed how welcome to the living were words of praise in regard to the departed ones. Now I understand why this is so. While I who knew my husband best always believed him to be what a Christian man should be, it brought a singular satisfaction to realize that others also regarded him highly. Then, too, since he died at a comparatively young age, it cheered me to know that he had accomplished so much for God in so short a time; that his life, though brief, was not lived in vain. The trib­ utes to his Christian character were evidence that a consecrated life was really worthwhile. Consider, for instance, what the statement of a fellow-minister meant to me: “ I have never known anyone T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

p £ fp » G O W N S Fine ^materials, beautiful work, pleasing low prices. Catalog and samples on request. State your needs and name of church. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 So. 4th St., Greenville, 111.

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^ hand in hand with desper­ ately needed material aid is the service rendered in Jesus’ Name to destitute, hopeless, and help­ less boys in historic LEBA­ N O N through the N E A R

EAST BOYS’ HOME, a branch of the HOME OF ONESIPHORUS with its simi­ lar long-established ministry in China. You may receive free literature and learn about support of one of these needy Arab boys — shelter, food, clothing, and school­ ing, with all activities centered in the Gospel of the Lord fetus Christ — NESIPHORUS G. A. Lundmark, President Dept. H 3939 No. Hamlin ^THicago 18, III. Ave.

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