King's Business - 1951-03

whom it is written that when He stood beside another grave long ago, “ Jesus wept.” Scolding does not help. One would not thrust a knife into a wound! Neither is anything to be gained by reminding the bereaved that many others have gone through the same experience. Tennyson wrote in his In Memoriam: That loss is common would not make \ My own less bitter, rather more: Too common! Never morning wore To evening, but some heart did break. When the dark waves of sorrow roll over your Christian friends, stand by. Never hesitate to express your sympathy by spoken or written word. ! Give of yourself, and God will reward you. The comfort you administer will be returned to you one hundred fold. For if you have never “ loved and lost awhile” one dearer to you than life itself, that time will most surely come. And when it does, you too will need the help of God’s people in comfort­ ing your heart and fortifying your faith until you can say with Paul: “ 0 death, where is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory? . . . Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” BIBLE BREAKFAST In your own home. ‘The Finest of the Wheat!" Tune in Radio KFOX (1280 on the dial) 8 a.m. daily except Sunday. ALL NATIONS BIBLE SOCIETY P. O. Box 41 Los Angeles 53, Calif. m m Please Save This Ad for Reference


(Continued from Page 15) but God will sustain you” ; “ The ten­ der compassion of the Man of Sor­ rows will not fail you now even though your heart is breaking under the load of your grief. His arm is around you” ; “ May the Lord lead you out of sorrow’s darkness into the light of His gentle love at this time.” A dear Christian couple whose son, a young missionary, and a friend of my husband’s, had been killed in an airplane accident in Africa a few months before, sent this moving mes­ sage to me: “ Read Job 5:26. Note that it says, ‘Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age,’ not ‘old age,’ but ‘full age.’ Our dear son’s full age was 34; your husband’s 46. That was their ‘full age’ so far as God was concerned. May the Lord fill your heart with overflowing so that others may be blessed by the sweet wine of your heart’s sorrow.” Was there ever any poetry, outside of the Psalms of David, so heart- breakingly beautiful as that? Imagine how my heart responded to a word like this: “ It has hurt all of us, too.” The church secretary of a former pastorate wrote: “ The whole town is mourning; how infinitely harder for you.” A deeply spiritual missionary, comprehending the spir­ itual struggle, wrote: “ There is a conformity to Christ which only sor­ row can bring. He will use it in your life.” What tender sympathy in words like this: “ May our gracious Lord uphold you; I am trying to enter into your sorrow.” A friend reminded me of an experi­ ence in the lives of Charles H. Spur­ geon and his wife. “ In their early married life Mrs. Spurgeon had cried because he was going away on a trip. He said to her, ‘Do you think the Israelites cried when they gave their lamb as a sacrifice?’ Remembering that, Mrs. Spurgeon said when her husband died, ‘In all the years I knew thee thou wert most tender and gra­ cious. Now I am parted from thee, not for a time, but until the day break and the shadows flee away. I think I hear thy loving voice say again, Don’t cry over thy lamb, wife, as I try to give thee up ungrudgingly to God, not without tears; that is not possible, but with that full surrender o f heart which makes the sacrifice acceptable to Him.’ ” This is not mere sentiment. This is sense—spiritual and real. There is never a time when love and tears and tenderness are more needed than when the heart is torn with sorrow. It is the kind of compassion that was in the heart of the Lord Himself of

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M A R C H , 1951

Page Seventeen

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