King's Business - 1951-03

Rushing To Russians With The Gospel I have just visited Europe where I found great spiritual hunger for the Word of God. We must give the gospel to the Russians, Ukrainians and other Slavic-speaking people in Europe, South and North America now. Some doors are closing for gospel work. We must redeem the time. Relief must be sent to suffering Christians in Europe. We need more missionaries in Alaska . . . Peter Deyneka. Pray and send your gift to SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION (formerly Russian Gospel Association) Peter Deyneka, General Director 2434 N. KEDZIE BLVD., DEPT. K, CHICAGO 47, ILL. Write for free European report by Peter Deyneka.

never met the Saviour certainly can­ not talk very well about Him. Those who have not walked with God can hardly be expected to know Him. Paul had heard about the Lord Jesus but it may be that he never met Him until that eventful day on the Damas­ cus road. It took only a few moments to transform the life of this great man. Jesus spoke the Word from Heaven and Paul was given the gift o f eternal life, a new life, a trans­ forming life that made him the giant preacher of all time. Those who are saved by grace are born to be God’s messengers to the last. Paul W a s a Consecrated Man A cts 26:19 Many of those who receive the Lord Jesus and become children of God do not hand over to God themselves, their talents, their possibilities, and their bodies. Paul was not in this class. The marvelous revelation of the Lord Jesus in Heaven completely enveloped the soul of this lawyer until he could say, “ I was not disobedient unto the heav­ enly vision.” That sight of Christ blinded him to everything of earth. No longer did he desire earthly honor, wealth, and power. No longer did he seek a path of peace and comfort for himself. He gave himself over to the Holy Spirit with no reservation in his covenant. He was to be God’s man with all his body, soul, and spirit. Nothing was to be withheld now from that One who gave His all to him. Paul W a s a R esourcefu l Man A cts 17:22 This wonderful servant o f God was not looking for an easy job at a big salary. He was always looking for opportunities to win men for Christ. When he went to a new city he did not seek for the sights but rather for the saints. His heart was not seeking a good time but rather a great oppor­ tunity. At Athens he was not inter­ ested in the sculptor’s skill but rather the inscription on the monument. His heart was stirred because men were lost and multitudes were worshiping idols. He could not keep still. He must tell them about the true God and the wonderful Saviour and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Paul W as a Suffering Man 2 Cor. 6:4 It is difficult for us in these days of ease and comfort to realize the tremendous suffering of this mighty man of God. He spoke plainly and had to pay the price for it. His great de­ sire was to bear about in his body the marks of the Lord Jesus. His back was torn many times by the whip. His body was bruised and broken by M A R C H , I 95 I


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