King's Business - 1951-03

| the stones. He was exposed to the I dangers of the elements as he trav­ eled on the sea. He was shut securely in the prison, yet in all of this he was a singing saint. Nothing dimmed his ardor. Nothing changed his purpose. Truly he suffered for Christ’s sake and now reigns with Him. A p ril 22, 1951 GOD'S WORK EXPANDS THROUGH HIS CHURCH A cts 8 :4 -6 ; 14 :1-7 ; 15:22, 23; 19:4-10, 17-21 God’s great church is one of the miracles of time. It is composed of those out of every kindred, tribe, peo­ ple, and nation who have turned their hearts and affections to Christ Jesus and have come to God by faith in the Saviour. This church is compared to a human body for service; to a tem­ ple of living stones for worship; to a family of brothers and sisters for fellowship. It is by means of the serv­ ice and ministry of those who are in His church that God’s message is given far and near to hungry hearts. The church itself as a unit or an or­ ganism does not exist just for service but more for worship. It is the indi­ viduals who serve. The Church R eveals the W isdom o f God Eph. 3:10 Only God could find a way whereby the Italian and the Ethiopian could serve together in loving fellowship, or the Japanese and the Chinese en- joy God’s things in unison, or the German and the Frenchman unite in happy harmony at the Lord’s table. God knew how to bring it about. He gives the gift of eternal life to every |believer and this life links hearts to- j gether in happy and holy communion. Every human scheme has failed to accomplish this result. God found a way through Christ Jesus and by the I Holy Spirit and His way is successful. Th e Church R eveals the G lory o f God Eph. 3:21 Wherever a group of Christians is found God is receiving the worship |and the adoration of their hearts. ! There could be no church if Christ had not died. Since salvation is by grace every member of His church is found praising and worshiping that One because He wonderfully bought him with the precious blood. God reached down among His enemies and found some who would become friends. God gets all the glory for the salva­ tion of each soul. He gets all the glory for enduing and endowing His chil­ dren for successful Christian service. We owe everything to Him, for all is by grace.

GRACE BIBLE INSTITUTE 1515 South IOth Street Omaha 8, Nebraska “ For the Word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ .” I ■ m % § mm m m m Ü m m ¡ i n & m I B EMPHASIZES Personal Soul-Winning Three Year Courses Leading to Diploma Four Year Course (Bible Major) Leading to Diploma Accredited by the Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges (Collegiate Division) Write for Free Catalog Rev. H . D . Burkholder, B .D ., M .Â., A cting President Ü


' H HUMMING BUZZING This attractive award Is de­ signed for use with the Ten Bible Bees. Bee hums when w hirled. Memory work is easier to learn when the child is working for an award such as this. Printed on Bee's back are references for the ten spe­ cial scripture verses learned daily along with the lesson in the Ten Bible BeesCourse,


BIBLE WORKBOOK Pupils' A ctivity Workbook in­ cludes daily outline pictures to

color which correspond with the teacher's lessons for the day. Includes memory work correlated with day's lesson; also fascinating puzzles, questions and an­ swers. This attractive booklet, when completed, may be taken home by the child as a constant reminder of lessons learned. The honeycomb promise box, also included, w ill be treasured by every youngster. jQ f!



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