King's Business - 1951-03

king of one country to the court of the king in another country. He orig­ inates nothing. He makes no decisions by himself. He is the mouthpiece of the country he represents. So we are ambassadors for God. Each Christian is a golden pipe to convey the living water from Heaven’s fountains to human hearts which are in need. We | should be large pipes. We should pray j that we might give greater messages and richer blessings to more people constantly. Let us seek to carry God’s thoughts to needy human hearts. Let us not change nor alter them in any way. W e A re Seed fo r a H eavenly H arvest Matt. 13:38 In the parable of the wheat and the tares the Lord Jesus explained that the good seed are the children of the kingdom. Many precious truths are hidden in this statement. The seed has life in itself and this life is God- given. Each seed produces after its kind. It cannot imitate another. The seed does not sow itself but is sown by the hand of its owner. The seed does not know where it can produce the best crops but the master knows. Let us rejoice in the great honor of bringing forth abundantly for our Lord and for His glory. We are witnesses by what we do and by what we say. We reveal God’s truth by the way it affects us and also by what we say about it. God never intended that the tongue should be larger than the hand. There are those who talk loud and long but who do very little. God’s plan is that we do much and say little. When we give out the Word of God people look at us to see the effect upon ourselves. No one sends a bald-headed man to sell hair tonic. We must be good ad­ vertisements of the message that we bear. W e A re Builders fo r God Luke 14:28 Every believer should have a plan and purpose for the glory of God and for the blessing of men. We should leave behind us at the end of the journey proofs and evidences of the fact that we passed that way. Each one should be in the business of con­ structing something that will be a monument to God’s grace and a testi­ mony to God’s providing care. We should not be willing to be wall flow­ ers or a vase to sit in the parlor. We should have a real desire to produce results for God which will be testi­ monies to our faith in Him. W e A re W itnesses fo r God Luke 24:48

The Church R eveals the Source o f Service 1 Thess. 1 :8 Every church, no matter where situ­ ated nor by what name it is desig­ nated, should be a center from which the gospel of God’s grace is spread abroad. Usually this is not the case. Very little gospel is given out by the members of most churches. The preacher is supposed to do it on Sun­ day but not much during the week. The Sunday school teachers may do it for thirty minutes but neglect it the rest of the week. “ Circles” are held but few Bibles are there and al­ most no gospel. There is much activ­ ity but little eternal life. It should not be so. Every Christian should be a fountain from which the water of life flows daily. Th e Church R eveals God’s Plan fo r Fellow ship Eph. 2:22 It is a most pleasant experience when, at the end of the week or the beginning of the new week, God’s peo­ ple come together to commune with one another about their experiences with the Lord during the week. They tell of the precious lessons learned from the Scriptures as they read them. They tell of souls that have been led to Christ. They relate ex­ periences with God in which He an­ swered prayer or brought deliverance in the time of need. Thus by sweet fellowship and exchange of thoughts the heart is instructed and inspired. We learn from one another and thus enjoy Christian fellowship. A p ril 29, 1951 GOD WORKS THROUGH US A cts 1:1-14 All the pictures that God gives us of the church are pictures of those things which serve others. God’s peo­ ple are compared to salt and to light; to a tree and to a vine; they are called seed as well as servants. In every case the object mentioned is one that brings blessings to others. So the church is composed of indi­ viduals. It is the individual Christian who teaches and preaches. It is the individual child of God who makes the church what it is and by whose efforts God’s business is made to pros­ per. Let us not live in generalities. God’s business does not go in mass production. Each one is a responsible agent. W e A re Am bassadors fo r Christ 2 Cor. 5:20 The ambassador is only a messen­ ger to convey the thoughts of the MARCH, 1951

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