King's Business - 1951-03

ATTENTION ! Are you a Christian? Do you like to write letters? Would you like to write to other Christians? Then join CHRIS­ TIAN PEN PAL CLUB. Details free. John Snyder L em oyne, Penna.

acteristic word is remember. Moses wanted the people constantly to keep in memory the things which had been previously told them concerning God and His will. Only as they did this could they expect Heaven’s blessing upon their new venture. Thus it al­ ways is. They who flout God’s com­ mands need not expect God’s blessing. “ Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psa. 33:12). A b ility to Im part the W ord Deut. 6:20-25 Moses felt that in the coming days those who entered into the Promised Land ought to be able to tell to their children the meaning of God’s Word. God had done wonderful things for His people. Surely they ought to be able to tell it. Not only would it be their responsibility to tell it. It should be their great privilege. Remember the occasion of the crossing of the Jordan and the divine wonders that attended that momentous event. God commanded the construction of two stone memorials following the cross­ ing. Why? So that in the following days when children, seeing the me­ morials, asked the question, What mean these stones? (Josh. 4:21), the fathers would have an opportunity to tell the wonderful story of God’s deliverance. So now Moses wanted to make sure that as the parents went into the new land they would be able to give a good answer to their children’s ques­ tion, What mean the testimonies? (v. 20). Parents ought to be able to explain the meaning of sin’s bondage (21a), of God’s saving power (21b), of judg­ ment for sin (22), of God’s purpose for His redeemed ones (23), of sub­ mission to God’s Word (24, 25). They ought to be able clearly to explain that it is for our good always (v. 24) to follow the message of God’s Word. A ttitude T ow ard Preaching o f the W ord Deut. 5:1-6 The proper attitude to be taken to­ ward the preached Word is summa­ rized in four words appearing in the first verse of this section. They are: Hear, Learn, Keep, Do. We need to analyze carefully the meaning of these words that we may walk in that nar­ row path of practical righteousness so pleasing to God and so safe and happy for us. It is the business of all of us to do these four things. We ought to hear for faith cometh by hearing (Rom. 10:17). We cannot know what God’s will is if we refuse to hear. Since it is God’s Word which we ought to hear, we have a responsi­ bility to learn the content of the di- T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Abram, the friend of God, was a very wealthy man. God’s Word says that he was “ very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.” Abram’s neph­ ew, Lot, also had many possessions. So great were the flocks and herds of both of these men, that they could no longer live together in one place. Those who cared for their cattle fought over pasture lands for them. Abram did not want difficulty be­ tween his herdmen and those of Lot, nor did he want to quarrel with his nephew. This great man of God said, “ Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren. Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if you wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.” Quickly Lot looked both directions. To the east were lovely, well watered lands. To the west the pastures were not so green nor the water so plentiful. Rather than giving his old uncle the best land, Lot selfishly chose the best for himself and separated himself and his herds from Abram. Lot pitched his tent toward the wicked city of Sodom. He had been selfish, now he was moving close to those who did not worship his God. After Abram was alone, God spoke to him and told him to look in all directions. All the land which he could see God would give to him and to his family for ever. His family would be as numerous as the dust of the earth. Abraham put God first in his life and built an altar to worship and pray to Him. We wonder if Lot’s life might not have been entirely different if it had not been for his selfish choice. In his heart there was no love that would cause him to dp as the Lord Jesus commanded when He was upon the earth; “ As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them like­ wise.” A p ril 22, 1951 GOD IN A NATION'S LIFE Deut. 6:20-25; 5:1-6 Pointers on the Lesson Moses was very much concerned that Israel* as a nation should give a proper place to the Word of God in its life. The book of Deuteronomy was a message given by Moses to his people a short while before they recrossed the Jordan to take posses­ sion of the Promised Land. Its char­

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