King's Business - 1951-03

R ete ll SwkA forXeht Finey LivesOn The Man, His

Revival Methods, And His Message V. Raym ond Edman introduction by John W. Bradbury A g a i n “ Finney lives,” the reader

Ttecu 1951 D V B S T E A C H E R ’S AND Dl R E C T O R ’S H A N D B O O K i

can hear his voice, sense his purpose and feel his spirit. Writing with the simplicity of a true scholar, Dr. Ed­ man has brought the life and work of Charles G. Finney, dean of Ameri­ can Evangelists, back to our hearts. $2.50 The Tabernacle Priesthood and Offerings I. M. Haldeman Writing with the sentiment of a poet and the eloquence of a prophet, Dr. Haldeman has made this volume one of his greatest works. The reader will come face to face with the Per­ son, the work and the glory of Christ. $3.00 TheBookof Leviticus An Exposition Charles L. Erdman In this, the third volume in the series of expositions, Dr. Erdman is writing on the Pentateuch, Leviticus becomes alive. The more one understands about Leviticus, the closer he is to the heart of the Christian Gospel. $ 2.00 TheWorld’s Religions An Inter-Varsity Publication Edited by readable story of the seven foremost non-Christian religions of the world. Indispensable to Bible Students, Mis­ sionaries, Ministers and all those in­ terested in Christianity and in the fields yet untouched by it. $2.25 at your local bookstore FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY NEW YORK 10, N. Y. J. N. D. Anderson A factual, schol­ arly, yet entirely

Soar to new heights in your Vacation Bible School this year—"Ceiling Unlimited” shows you how. Covers your DVBS flight in seven logical steps. Includes a brand new section of

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VACA T ION SCHOOL LESSONS More than a million teachers and pupils every year testify to the many fine features of ALL-BIBLE VACATION SCHOOL lessons. But the one thing that everyone praises most is expressed in that phrase "complete to the last detail". This year— as always— you can count on getting everything you need for a successful DVBS. Check these six major features of this complete course: BIBLE-CENTERED in content-PUPIL-CENTERED in approach*COMPLETE! Everything you need for a successful DVBS •EASY TO FOLLOW! Every­ thing outlined step by step •TIMELY! Freshly written and up-to-date • CORRELATED! Each activity helps drive home the central truth of the lesson. f y e d f P L E A S E R U S H T O ME _______________FREE copies of the 1951 DVBS book of ideas, "Ceiling Unlimited" by Bernice T. Cory. Name — _____________________ ___________________________ Street and Number ___________ _ _ ______________________ City-----------------*_________________ City Zone__________ State____________ _________________________________________ GET THIS BOOK FROM YOUR FAVORITE DEALER OR

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