June 3, 2024 Board Converting News

Attention To Company Culture Aids In Retaining Workers BY GREG KISHBAUGH The Manufacturing Institute, the workforce development and educa- tion affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers, in partner- ship with Colonial Life, released a study on the role of company culture and employee engagement in attracting and retaining talent.

Resource Label Group Acquires Beyer Graphics Resource Label Group (RLG), Franklin, Tennes- see, a full-service provider of label and pack- aging solutions, has acquired Beyer Graphics, located in Commack, New York. Beyer Graph- ics will become part of RLG Healthcare, a spe- cialty pharmaceutical and healthcare packag- ing business of Resource Label Group. Beyer Graphics represents the 32nd ac- quisition for RLG and the third addition to the RLG Healthcare business. Founded in 1982 by William Beyer, Sr. as a provider of custom folding carton solutions, Beyer Graphics spe- cializes in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmetic industries. Beyer Graphics’ facil- ity focuses on providing packaging solutions such as custom folding boxes and cartons to over-the-counter (OTC), pharmaceutical, vita- min, supplement, and cosmetics clients. Chespa Partners With Asahi Photoproducts, Esko Chespa, headquartered in Poland with numer- ous sites around Eastern Europe, has part- nered with flexographic photopolymer plate developer Asahi Photoproducts and Esko to introduce to its customers and prospects unique high-barrier-film, biodegradable/com- postable, packaging printed using specialized plant-based Chespa inks, Esko’s latest Crystal V screening and XPS Crystal Exposure system along with Asahi Photoproducts AWP Clean- Print carbon neutral water-washable plates. The project conducted in collaboration with Asahi and Esko using sustainable sub- strates and inks as well as carbon neutral printing plates from Asahi, was tested with a chocolate manufacturer using Chespa’s Flex- iBio water-based inks, and a manufacturer of peanut-based products using Chespa’s Flex- iEco water-based inks.

“Manufacturers will need to fill around 4 million jobs by the end of the decade, and today our industry is facing significant structural work- force challenges, such as a tight labor market and the skills gap,” said Manufacturing Institute President and Executive Director Carolyn Lee. “Employers must do everything they can to bolster their talent attraction and retention efforts, and a vibrant, clearly defined company culture is a vital part of that. The study illustrates the importance of culture as well as employee priorities and strategies that manufacturers can pursue.” Some of the key findings of the study include: • Manufacturers see company culture as an important tool in re- cruiting employees . Nearly 87 percent of those completing the survey said that they communicate their company’s culture in their interviews. Companies also incorporate culture into onboarding processes so that new hires can see commitment to core values. • Company culture also serves as an important way of retaining employees, particularly through social bonds . Nearly 97 percent of employees said they stay because of their colleagues, including co-workers and their manager. Manufacturers have invested in building these bonds through encouraging referrals, organizing social events and providing flexibility.




June 3, 2024

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