02 Bath thools

03 Baby & Kids

01 Wellbeing

→ Toskani

Artichoke & Green Coffee Reusable · Recycle

$ 70box

Fluid retention. Swelling. Purification processes

Did you know that artichoke is involved in the welfare of the liver and aids digestion ? Our Artichoke Plus drinkable ampoules are an ideal dietary supplement to lose weight due to its lipolytic, diuretic and antioxidant properties. They combat and prevent liquid retention, fat accumulation and the sensation of swelling. Take two ampoules a day with a glass of water to help eliminate toxins from the body and stimulate drainage. The perfect complement to maximise the results of our new Body Expert 360 treatment. ↘ ARTICHOKE PLUS : Food supplement with purifying and detoxifying properties. Helps to combat and prevent fluid retention and the sensation of swelling. Helps to maximise the results of aesthetic body procedures. All of these are listed in the ingredient descriptions below.

↘ The pack contains 14 vials of 10 ml. ↘ FB PLUS : Fat burning complement to physical exercise. Energy and metabolism-boosting food supplement. Helps mobilise fats for their proper use by cells in energy metabolism. Maximises the results of aesthetic body procedures. ↘ The pack contains 20 vials of 10 ml.

Dietary supplements


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