03 Baby & Kids

02 Bath thools

01 Wellbeing

→ After Spa


After Spa Exfoliating Gloves


After Spa Mesh Sponge

For all Skin Types

Gentle Exfoliation

Achieve radiant, clean and soft skin while removing dead cells from your body. Perfect for a pre-tan ritual or to simply deeply exfoliate skin. These exfoliating gloves are also treated with an antimicrobial that provides resistance to the attack of bacteria, fungi and mites.

The Compostable Mesh Sponge Cleanses And Exfoliates The Body With Something Good For The Planet. Use In The Shower With Your Favorite Body Cleanser To Cleanse And Exfoliate. Gets Rid Of Dirt And Oil From The Pores. Returns Nutrients Back To The Earth When Done Using.

↘ Clinically tested

↘ Cornstarch-Based Bioplastic

↘ Available in Pink, White, Yellow and Blue

$ 11


After Spa Body Dry Brush with Handle

Daily Concepts Body Kit

Body Applicator, To Apply Lotions And Creams

Texture: Vigorous

The Body Dry Brush With Handle Detoxi- fies And Exfoliates Hard-To-Reach Areas Of The Body. ↘ BENEFITS Reaches All Areas Of The Body To Remove Dead Skin And Reveal Smooth Skin. ↘ Features Clinically Tested And Cruelty-Free

Body Scrubber, to cleanse and exfoliate your skin. Body Applicator, to apply lo- tions and creams. Wooden Handle, for hard to reach areas. Perfectly, designed with pockets to slip your hands or woo- den handle for use/application and better control. The scrubbers innovative textures with micro scrubber technology



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