Rehab Access_Helping Aches and Pain

Why do your muscles ache?

3. To accelerate the stages of healing, which focus on: Reducing pain and inflammation Through passivemodalities: ice/heat/ultrasound/ traction/ electrical stimulation. Educate regarding posture and resting in neutral joint positions. Restore muscular flexibility and joint mobility Introduce specific stretching exercises and hands on therapy techniques to relieve pain and reduce stiffness in specific regions. Strengthening the involved muscles Improve stability of weak muscles and joints. Teach you how to maintain your new posture.

Muscle aches and pains are common and can involve more than one muscle. Muscle pain also can involve ligaments, tendons, and the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs. Muscle pain is most frequently related to tension, overuse or muscle injury from exercise or physically-demanding work. In these situations, the pain tends to involve specific muscles and starts during or just after the activity. It is usually obvious which activity is causing the pain. Most aches and pains are temporary and generally last 1-3 days. However, once muscle pain begins to go past 3 days without change or you keep getting the same aches and pains repeatedly, it’s time to give us a call as there may be an underlying problem such as muscle imbalance, stiff tissue or joints. Physical therapy is a great way to treat your aches and pains that is natural and empowers you to feel better and stay healthier. The main goals of physical therapy include: 1. To educate you on the principles of stretching and strengthening, which will in turn, help manage pain and accelerate tissue healing. 2 . To educate you on proper posture and movement principles to preserve your spine.

THE MOST COMMON CAUSES OF ACHY MUSCLES ARE: • Injury or trauma including sprains and strains • Overuse: using a muscle too much, too soon, too often • Tension or stress Muscle pain may also be due to: • Certain drugs, including: • Medicine lowering blood pressure • Medicine lowering cholesterol • Infections, including: - Influenza (flu) - Lyme disease - Malaria - Muscle abscess • Electrolyte imbalances like too little potassium or calcium • Fibromyalgia • Lupus

Returning to normal activities Train you on body mechanics and routine stretching and strengthening exercises.

4. To prevent future occurrences.

5. To manage any future occurrences if they occur.

No matter how diligent you are, you are bound to have a forgetful moment, do an activity improperly and so suffer a flare up, but the new knowledge you acquire at Rehab Access Physical Therapy will help eliminate symptoms in a couple days, instead of suffering for weeks or months .

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