King's Business - 1946-07

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


that we must learn the secreu of the ready heart and. mind.”—Stuart Holdpn. In that secret place'1 just now. let me say to my Lord and Saviour, "I am^ready.” JULY 26 Today's Scripture: Acts 22:16 “And now why tarriest thou f ” How often I have asked myself this ques­ tion: "What more can the Lord do than He has done already?” He has given all power, all grace, all peace, all joy to those who believe. Why Should I tarry? Let me arise and go, cleansed of defilement by the wash­ ing of water, with the Word and all this day in His strength, by His'^Spirit, may I testify to the greatness and the beauty of Jesus Christ my Lord "who loved me,' and-gave himself for me.” JULY 27 Today's Scripture: Acts 23:11-22 “Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified . . . so must thou bear witness.” We are never nearer God’s heart than when surrounded by hostile forces actively arrayed against His truth. Each day’s news shows us the increasing restlessness and in­ security of a rebellious world. As you stand surrounded by hostility, listen to God's voice: "Be of good cheer . . . so shalt thou bear witness.” In that place of His choosing, you will ,be strengthened and sustained by the assurance of His words,' "I have-over-^ come the world.” JULY 28 Today's Scripture: Acts 24:10-16 “ So worship I the God of my fathers, believing dll things . . . written in the law and in the prophets.” This confession of Paul’s was possible be­ cause he knew what was written in the law and the prophets. And so, with all believers. When we know what God says in His Word, faith operates. Our spoken or unspoken con­ fession will be in proportion to believing Him througn our knowledge of the Word. Let me esteem the Bible above all books. Let me listen to God speaking as I read, then I may have a "conscience void of offence toward God and toward men.” JULY 29 Today's Scripture: Acts 26:1-8; 23-27 “My manner of life . . . know all the Jews; Which knew me from the be­ ginning.” Paul’s was a life above the reproach of men, a life according to the law, yet a life not "clean” before1the Lord; his was a life which, needed Calvary. If this were true of the great apostle, how much more then do I need to rest upon the finished work of Jesus Christ my Lord. As I read of the power of God manifest in this fearless tes­ timony before a king and his company, my heart rejoices that this same power is avail­ able for me. God grant that I may live my life in the power of my crucified, risen Lord. JULY 30 Today's Scripture: Acts 27:14-25 “ There stood by me ... . the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve.” "There is never a day so dreary But God can make it 'bright; And unto the soul that trusts Him He giveth songs in the night. There is never a path so hidden But God can lead the way. If we seek the Spirit’s guidance . And patiently waiting, pray." JULY 31 Today's Scripture: Acts 28:17-24 “ Blessed are ye, when men shall . . , say, all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake” (Matt. 5:11). Sometimes it seems hard to be spoken against falsely even for the sake of Jesus Christ, but it is. still true that under all circumstances the true, testimony bears fruit. Some will not believe, but some will, even as in the days of Paul. To each of us who are believers there will come times of testing, but with them is the rejoicing over those who believe because of our testimony- God is faithful and His way is perfect.

God am I." He called my name, and I an­ swered Him.^ I gave myself to Him. Today, I shall rest contentedly in the fact that l am "known unto God.” JULY 20 Today's Scripture: Acts 16:25-34 “They spake unto him the word of the Lord.” The Word of- the Lord is still the quicken­ ing Word that men would Hear today. Not all that we say about-it, not all the expla­ nation we would make of it, but -the Word itself - is the power th at' saves. The Word hidden in our minds, because we have learned its meaning and its application to our needs, is the same Word the Holy Spirit will use through our lips to bring to others the knowledge of the grace of God. "Faith Cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” JULY 21 Today's Scripture: Acts 17:22-28 “ God . . . dwelleth not in temples made with hands” "He who is Lord of Heaven and earth dwells in our hearts by faith. Our secret citadel is His holy placé, and Hé had always a passion to cleanse His own temple. All evil, intentions and thoughts and desires fly from His searching glance as bats fly from a dungeon when it is opened to. the blaze of day. And instead of unlovely human weak­ nesses, there shall dwell in our hearts the sunshine of His glory, the radiance of His abiding presence, and the strength of His ineffable peace!”—Lester Weatherford. JULY 22 Today's Scripture: Acts 18:4-11 “ I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee ” God still speaks to His own by night, .and by day. Ever as He promised physical pro­ tection and safety to'Paul, He says to us, "I am with thee.” In that place, Corinth, Paul was safe. Later, in another location, he was not; and all by the same Person’s permis­ sion. Stay in the center of God’s will; "No man shall set on thee to hurt thee”—unless God permits him to do so. He oftentimes allows the latter because He has a purpose to glorify His name through our suffering. In either case, He never leaves nor forsakes His own. JULY 23 Today's Scripture: Acts 19:11-22 “Mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.” The Word of God still prevails. Many are the voices raised today to hinder the Word’s power, to stop its going forth, to undermine its authority. Yet. as ever, the "entrance of thy words giveth light.” May I believe today, with a belief that leads to action, that God’s Word can still triumph over the forces of the evil one. As I give it out to .many or few, ten or one. i t -will do the work that God has purposed, and some day I shall write, "mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed.” JULY 24 Today's Scripture: Acts 20:25-28 “Feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.” To have been purchased with our Lord’s blood is truly a blessed fact. No wonder we are exhorted to take heed to ourselves. What we do reflects upon the Purchaser and the value of the Purchase Price. The realization that my soul was of such worth that He purchased it with the blood of the sinless One humbles me beyond expression. "Not unto us. O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake.” JULY 25 Today's Scripture: Acts 21:13 “ 1 am ready . . . to die . . . for the name of the Lord Jesus.” "I am ready,” is the avowal of a man who has long ago counted the cost, and settled forever the issue. Behind such a declaration lies the miracle of transforming fellowship with Jesus Chr'st. Only in such readiness of spirit does the hindering sense of personal unfitness pass, is sympathy inspired, and capacity created. It is in "the secret place

JULY 14 Today's Scripture: Acts 11:19-26 " Barnabas . . . when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad.” The Christian knows no greater gladness than that of seeing God*s saving grace manifested in the gathering in of souls. Barnabas exhorted -the Antioch believers to cleave to the Lord with “ purpose of heart.” The Christian- may have vague longings to serve God, he may even be deliberating as to the possible field of service, but it takes "purpose of heart” to achieve action. Lord, search me now, reveal to me my real desire and aim. Whatever is lacking, give Thou me, that today with purpose of heart I may witness to Thy satisfying presence JULY 15 Today's Scripture: Acts 12:5-9 “He went out . . . and wist not that it was true which was done by the angel; but thought he saw a vision.” The w ork 'of God on our behalf is -truly astonishing. His ability - is, immeasurable; yet like Peter we sometimes are slow to believe in the reality of it, but wonder if we« are dreaming! Our chains of hindrance fall off when we arise to action in simple faith. When oilr Lord directs us, unques­ tioning obedience on our part always results in the doors of our spiritual prison being opened, and its iron gates unbarred. Nothing is-impossible, with-God.' JULY 16 Today's Scripture: Acts 12:11-17 "But Peter continued knocking.” When Peter knocked, Rhoda failed to open the door; •but Peter continued to knock. Lord, may I not- be discouraged today be­ cause my first "knocking” fails to be ac­ knowledged by an open door. Like Peter, r will continue knocking that in _the right nioment I, too, may beckon unto them to hold their peace, that I may declare how the Lord Jesus Christ has brought me out of prison. "Jesus breaks every fetter. And He sets me free.” JULY 17 Today'B Scripture: Acts 13:43-49 "The next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.” They came to hear the Word of God. But were they really willing to listen? How about me? Am I willing to pray this prayer; *rOpen, Lord, my inward ear” ? . "Show me, as my soul can bear, The depth of inbred sin; All the-unbelief declare, The pride that lurks within; Take me. whom Thyself hast bought, Bring into captivity Every high aspiring thought That would not stoop to Thee." —Charles Wesley.1 JULY 18 Today's Scripture: Acts 14:23-28 “ When they . . . had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them.” What a/joy it is to return to the group of fellow Christians who back us in prayer: the members of our Sunday school class, the flock of earnest suppliants in weekly prayer meeting, the special company of loved friends, and to "rehearse” «to them all that God has done for and with us. As we testify in our daily round of duties,' God will open the door of faith to the unbelievers among whom He has placed us. Then our prayer- friends will rejoice with us and the times of rehearsing will become times of refreshing from the heart of Corf Himself. JULY 19 Today's Scripture: Acts 15:1-18 “ Known unto God are dll his works from the beginning of the world.” What rest of mind these words convey! 1 r.eed not be perturbed even though my thoughts cannot comprehend the reason for my circumstances. He knows not -only my circumstances, not only all His works, but. whisper- ft softly to yourself* "Known unto

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