TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
He is ever with you to give you com fort, wisdom, eourage and strength. Nothing can ever separate you from Him and His love.
Jannie and the Rose Thorns
for her in all her short life. “Well, Jannie, dear, I wanted you to know how much the Lord Jesus loved youj and how it hurt Him when His enemies made a crown of ugly, cruel thorns and placed it about His head. He allowed this to be done because He loved us.” The tears were really running down Jannie’s face by this time. Finally she said, “Mother, you know what I am going to do when I get to Heaven? I am going to run to the Lord Jesus and throw my arms about His neck, and kiss Him for doing that for me!”
/r'VNE bright morning Mother was picking a beautiful red rose to wear on her suit to church, and she called, “Come to Mother, Jannie!’’ Jannie came as fast as her plump lit tle legs would carry her. “I want to show you something, sweetheart,’’ said Mother. “See this lovely rose? Now let me press this ugly old thorn into your little finger.” Mother did not press it too hard, but it hurt Jannie, and a big tear stood in her blue eyes. “Why did you do that, Mother?” she asked, knowing that Mother never had failed to show love
Crossword Puzzle
H AVE YOU listened to the message of each of us? Have you heeded HO’s warning? Believe SO’s message of God’s love and receive the Saviour into your heart. Rejoice with NO over sins forgiven; obey God’s command, delivered by GO, to tell others of your Saviour, and share LO’s joy in walking with the Lord Jesus both in your journey through this world, and in the ages to come in Heaven. Similar lessons to this one may be se cured from Krata Kraft Co., 200 Newman St., Arcadia, Calif.
A Liberty Bell
God’s Arithmetic When from God you have a blessing, divide it, And He’ll multiply it many times to you. To the gift from which you take to share with others, He will add. You may read it in His Word and prove it true. —Selected. New K.Y.B.C. Member VEBLEN, SO. DAK.: The name of Rodger Ander$on was omitted from the list in last m on th ’s issue of our magazine. We are sorry, Rodger.—Editors. How to Join the K. Y. B. Club T o becom e a m em ber of the K n o w Y o u r Bible Club, read through the Gospel a ccord ing to John, usin g either yo u r ow n Bible, or a Gospel of John w hich w ill be sent upon request. W h e n the Gospel has been read and a statem ent to th is effect, signed by parent or S u n d a y School teacher, has been sent to the E d itor of the Ju n io r K in g ’s B usin ess, a K. Y. B. C. pin w ill be mailed. Su n d a y school classes or clubs d e sirin g to order ten or m ore G ospels or pins m ay w ish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord d i rects: Gospels, postpaid five cents each— in quantity, three cents; pins, w ithout postage, tw o cents each. H ow ever, no one is to do w ith ou t a Gospel or pin because cf lack of money. A d dre ss: Ju n io r K in g ’s Business, 568 S. H ope St.f Los A n ge le s 13, Calif«
1. Old Testament king 4. A mountain outside Jerusa-' lem 7. “Stand fast in the ••.” (Gal. 5:1)
2. What every person’s attitude toward higher powers should be, (Rom. 13:1) 5. Portion of Scripture verse in Liberty Bell (first .word, Lev. 25:10) 6. Last word in 1 Cor. 13:1 10. To aid 12. “Therefore, b r e t h r e n , we are . . . ” (Rom. 8:12, 13, singular) 14. Intense feeling or desire 16. Where the life of the flesh is (Lev..17:11) 19. Whom God sent into the world (Rom. 8:3)
8. To strive to excel 9. Passenger vehicle 10. Diphthong 11. Anno Domini (Ahbr.)
13. Let it stand, (printer’s mark) 15. “Wherefore he is . . .” (Heb. 7:25) 17. Nothing 18. How we should offer praise to God (1 Cpr. 14:15, present singular of to sing) 20. Defensive ditch outside a fortress 23. Code signal for assistance 25. A scent 26. To change, as conversion 28. A river in Germany
21. A fruit drink 22. Senior (Abbr.) 24. A period of time For answers, look for the Liberty Bell on this page next month.
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