King's Business - 1946-07



‘Soak fëetriwà 8Y WILLIAM IV. ORR

A TREASURE OF HYMNS, by Amos R. Wells. A series of one hundred and twenty brief biographical sketches of famous hymn writers, including the full text of each hymn. This book fur­ nishes excellent illustrative material for pastors, Sunday school teachers and young people’s leaders. The au­ thor was for many years the manag- aging editor of the Christian Endeav­ or World. 302 pages. W. A. Wilde, Boston, Mass. Cloth. Price $2.00. THE HOME — COURTSHIP, MAR­ RIAGE, AND CHILDREN, by Dr. JohnR. Rice. A frank, honest ajnd thoroughly Christian treatise on some of the most important phases of the Christian life by a well-known evangelist and au­ thor. Dr. Rice deals faithfully and Biblically with practically every per­ sonal and family problem in life’s category, from courtship through mar-: riage and the rearing of children. The language is succinct, the teaching liberally interspersed with Scripture. All problems are discussed from the lofty s t a n d p o i n t of the believer’s exalted position in Christ. The book contains appropriate pages for use as a presentation copy by ministers and Christian workers. 381 pages. Sword of the Lord Publishers, Wheaton, 111. Cloth. Price $2.00. GREAT MISSIONARIES TO AFRICA, by Dr. J, Theodore Mueller (second edition). Here are fourteen sketches, dealing with missionaries who served in Africa. The author’s reason for producing such a book is that “this volume provides material that could only otherwise be secured by the study of a number of other books.” Filled with love and appreciation for the great cause of missions, the vol­ ume is worth-while reading. 153 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. $1.25. KEEPING THE FOUNDATIONS, by Rev. R. C. Campbell. A volume of sermons by the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Columbia, South Carolina, dealing with such founda­ tional t h e m e s as: “Faith of our Fathers,” “Christ the Cornerstone,” etc. Written with convincing earnest­ ness and spiritual insight, this book contains many illustrations and each message is well outlined. 190 pages. Br o adman Press, Nashville, Tenn. Cloth. Price $1.25.

JUNIOR SERMONS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS, by Dr. Jacob J. Sessler. Here is the third volume in a series of children’s story talks by the author. Containing thirty-six messages, it in­ cludes a feature which ought to be very helpful: that is, the correlation of the subject material with special days in the year, such as “Busy as a Bee” for Labor Day, and “Lessons from the Ant” for the opening of school. Books of this type furnish invaluable material to wide-awake pastors and teachers of children who desire not only to talk to children, but to actually teach them. 96 pages. Fleming R. Revell, New York. Cloth. Price $1.25. LIFE'S EXTRAS, N. Y., by Archibald Rutledge. This volume includes in per­ manent form the material previously published in pamphlets. It is a series of imaginative sketches to illustrate spiritual truths. 58 pages. Fleming H. Revell, New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . PRACTICAL BIBLE MARKING, by Dr. Keith L. Brooks. A brochure dealing with the important theme of how to successfully mark your Bible. Instruc­ tions accompany illustrations, fol­ lowed by a section on John’s Gospel, showing marginal notes. 25 pages. The American Prophetic League, Los Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 25 cents. PATTY GOES TO THE NURSERY CLASS, by Mary E. LeBar. A new book by one of the editors of the “All Bible Graded Series,” published by the Scripture Press. This volume meets a long-felt need, and is excellently done. The children in view are the 2 and 3 year olds, and a full year’s lessons are provided. Accompanying the book is a set of nursery pictures, miniatures of the stories discussed, a booklet of cut-out figures, and sheets of the songs used in the course. Careful and minute instructions and, many illus­ trations for the teacher are included. 300 pages. Scripture Press, Chicago, 111. Cloth. Price $2.50. AFTER MANY DAYS, by Joye Hoek- zema. Christian fiction telling the story of Nurse Jane Lee’s part in the return to the Lord of Doctor Matthews. Engagingly written and helpful for young readers. 137 pages. Zondervan Pub. Hour?. C:rand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25.

THE DELUGE STORY IN STONE, by Byron C. Nelson, Th. M. (second edi­ tion). This is a companion book to the author’s better known “After Its Kind,” and presents strong evidence that the various geological strata and their fossils did not come the way as currently taught in the theory of uniformity. Rather, the author sug­ gests, all the strata were laid down in that comparatively brief, but tre­ mendously catastrophic, period of the flood of Noah. Mr. Nelson chooses to deal with this subject mainly from a historical standpoint, showing that this uniformity theory was widely ac­ cepted by scientific men in past cen­ turies. The book is exceptionally well printed and the illustrations are profuse. The subject matter is treated in a thorough, scholarly fashion. In­ teresting evidence in support of the universality of the flood is presented. This volume should be valuable to alert Christians. 190 pages. Augsburg Pub. House, Minneapolis, Minn. Cloth. Price $1.50. DOBBIE, DEFENDER OF MALTA, by S. Maxwell Coder. This volume intro­ duces us to the scholarly pen of the editor in chief of Moody Monthly. The occasion for this book was an Ameri­ can speaking tour by General Dobbie under the auspices of Moody Bible In­ stitute. Mr. Coder discusses this tour in a part of the book, the other sec­ tions dealing with (1) the Man, the story of General Dobbie’s brave and determined defense of the Island of Malta; and (2) the Message, which is a collection of addresses and articles by the General. Mr. Coder writes en­ gagingly and convincingly. 144 pages. Moody Press, C h i c a g o , 111. Cloth. Price $1.50. PRESSING ON, by Dr. Lee S. Huizenga. A brief, autobiographical sketch in a current uniform series of devotional books being featured by the publisher. The subject is a prominent medical missionary to China. 83 pages. Eerd- mans Pub. Co„ Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00.

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