TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Dr. Walter L.
ness in our God that we bow in reverence. 4. WHOM TO WORSHIP. John 4:23- 24. The Father is to be worshiped; the Son is to be worshiped; and the Spirit is to be worshiped. All are worthy of it. We are requested o worship all Three. Each one is God, having in finite power and life with no begin ning and no ending. The Lord Jesus in the Scripture just quoted requests that we worship both the Father and the Spirit. You will notice that the word is occurs in italics because it is not in the original manuscript. The letter a does not appear in the Greek either. In the passage, Christ is tell ing us that the Spirit is God just as the Father is God and both are to be worshiped. In Hebrews 1, the Father commands worship to His blessed Son, so all Three should receive-the homage of our hearts, the praise of our lips, and the love of our lives. Let us render to God the love and worship He desires. These are God’s twins whereby He enriches our lives and causes our serv ice to be fruitful. By means of the Bible, God speaks to us. By means of prayer, we speak to Him. The Bible makes us intelligent in the things of ’God. Prayer brings the inspiration that is needed. Through the Bible we learn God’s mind, and by prayer He learns our thoughts. As both of these are brought into use in our public ministry, t h o s e who hear know whether we are properly informed and whether we have the right attitude toward God. As we preach the Word, the seed is sown. As we pray, the hearts are prepared to receive the seed and to bring forth fruit. Both are most essential. AUGUST 11, 1946 THE BIBLE AND PRAYER IN PUBLIC WORSHIP P sa . I ll
When we see how He rules the storm, designs all manner of life, and con trols our lives, we worship and adore. 2. WHEN TO WORSHIP. Matt. 2.2. God has not set aside any particular time when the heart should be poured out to Him in adoring worship. In the case of the wise men, they worshiped Him when they savy Him (they did not worship Mary). The blind man worshiped Him after he was healed. Certain it is that we should worship Him when we are gathered together as a church group. Collectively, we offer our songs of praise, the sacrifice of our lips poured out in adoring wonder before Him. We should be constantly in an attitude of worship as we walk with the King. We should be always worshiping Him because every moment of the day reveals new loveliness in our wonderful Lord. When we constantly enjoy His mercy, we should be continually offering our praise and adoration to this lovely Lord of our lives. 3. WHERE TO WORSHIP. John 4:20-22. In this passage our blessed Lord specifically denies that there is any particular place where worship should be made. Worship is an attitude of the heart and is not geographical in character. We worship at the Lord’s Table as we partake of the bread and the wine in memory of Him. We wor ship as we sit quietly before the serv ice to meditate on the loveliness of our risen Christ. We worship as the servant of God exalts our God until the soul is led to cry out in thanks giving and hallelujahs. We worship as we retire to the quiet of the bed room and prepare to sleep. We re count His goodness through the day, His kindness in all of pur circum stances, and the heart is led to wor ship and adore. We worship as we go about our work. The heart keeps sing ing while we serve. We see such great-
AUGUST 4, 1946 THE MEANING OF WORSHIP I sa . 6:1-12 God calls us to worship. “The Father seeketh such to worship him” (John 4:23). He seeks for worshipers because they are so scarce. In the next verse, (John 4:24), we are called upon to worship the Holy Spirit who is also God. Those who do so are very few. God’s children are far more intent on working than they are in wor shiping. The Lord wants our heart’s affections. He wants our love. He said, “My son, give me thine heart” (Prov. 23:26). It is far easier to get servants than to find lovers. How strange it is that God must ask us to worship Him, love Him, and adore Him. He is well worthy of all of this, yet we do so little of it. The angels of God worship Christ. The Heavenly host worship the Heavenly Trinity. Thanksgiving is not worship. Worship is the outpouring of the heart to all Three Persons of the Godhead because of their own i n t r i n s i c value and beauty. For Those Who Have Topics 1. HOW TO WORSHIP. Psa. 95.6. There should be an attitude of humility as indicated by the bowed head and the bended knee. There should be a consciousness of the near ness of the Almighty God, the wqund- ed Saviour, and the wonderful Spirit. There should be a deep consciousness of the greatness of God and of our own insignificance. There should be an attitude of utter abandonment to the lovely Lord who gave Himself for us. We worship in prayer and we worship in praise. Our h e a r t s are deeply stirred with reverence and awe as we come into His holy and glorious presence. We should be deeply moved as we remember His greatness in creation and His love in salvation.
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