King's Business - 1946-07

JULY, 1946



THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY j Genesis to Revelation, Chapter by Chapter. | Dr. Harlin J. Roper, Pastor Scofield Memorial Church For Sunday Schools, Bible Classes, Young People’s and Missionary Societies, Vaca­ tion Bible Schools, Prayer Meetings, and Home Study. Samples 15c; 4 grades 50c; Complete set $2.40. THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY

Extend the testimony of

your Church, Sunday School or Youth Groups to every home. Distribute regu­ larly... results will amaze you, THE DOORSTEP EVANGEL DR. WILLARD M. ALDRICH, Editor Usefiîspowerful4-pa¿c. tnonlMyimprinted withnaipeor P. O. B ox 1-B Vancouver, Wash

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A Native Indian's Testimony “ It is a great joy- to read this precious paper, and I get much blessings to my life. Last month, Feb., 1946, I read subject, ‘The Shepherd of Bethlehem.’ I got comfortable news to my heart when 1 was in sick bed. I circulate this paper to the Christian work­ ers and God’s children. They enjoyed very much spiritually. “ Some workers in the mission fields, who are far distant places, request me to send this to them for reading. I am an Indian Christian worker for Christ . . . working vol­ untarily among the sick, the poor, the needy and the brokenhearted, and visiting in the hospital preaching the infinite love of God.” T. S. Milton. M ad ras, South India. A Suggestion “ There has been a great improvement in T he K in g 's B u sin e ss . . . Several years ago the names of the Board of Directors and the Faculty were printed each month. It made the magazine so much more valu­ able.” M iss Ina Renner. Pasadena, Calif. From England “ Some of our young, folk have been richly blessed through reading your magazine’s pages, and the many Christian boys whom it was our delightful pleasure to entertain on their furloughs, were thrilled to know that we were able to provide such a glorious feast for them.” Fred erick Flavell. W orcester, England. Encouragements “ I appreciate this fine magazine. It is deeply spiritual and soul refreshing. May God’s richest blessing attend the editors and co-workers,” L a u ra B. Lew is. C anon City, Colo. “We had a most delightful surprise a month ago when among our mail we found a copy of your splendid paper, It is many years since it stopped coming to us. We used to consider it one of the finest papers that was published, and we can see from this recent copy that it still maintains the high evangelical tone for which it was noted. We read and digest every article, and have derived great spiritual help from the maga­ zine’s „messages.” M a isie Jardine. A y a v irl, Peru. “ The Faster number is particularly fine, and 1 appreciate the words of assurance about the Bible and the Resurrection.” Rev. John L. Showed. Croom , Md. Bible Book of the Month “ We look forward to The K in g 's Business, and receive a great blessing from it, espe­ cially from Dr. Hubbard’s ‘Bible Book of the Month.’ ” F ra n k and Frances Stradley. Sew ard, A laska. Devotional Headings “ I especially like tfye new ‘Devotional Readings,’ by lone bowman. “ The ‘Bible Book of the Month,’ by Dr. John Hubbard, is a wonderful addition, too. In fact everything you print is fine.” M rs. J. B. D avis.


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Date of Birth:. ,

W ilm ington , Calif.

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