King's Business - 1946-07

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


3. MUSIC BY THE CHOIR. 2 Chron. 5:13. Solomon had a great choir. The Lord makes special mention of it in His Word. The members of this choir were all of one heart. There was no jealousy among them. They all had one desire. There was no private ambition. They were all obedient to the leader. There was no rebellion. The congregation should know what the choir is singing. The words should be sung clearly and distinctly, else the message is lost. The music should not be so complicated that the thought of the message is obscured. The mes­ sage should contain words of praise, and should express the feeling of the hearts of those who sing. The message should reach the hearts of those who hear. The purpose of the choir is not to display musical talent and ability or to practice on the public. It should be singing for the glory of God and the blessing of the hearers. It may be a great blessing if properly han­ dled. 4. SPECIAL MUSIC, SOLOS, IN­ STRUMENTS. 2 Chron. 5:12. There should always be appropriate special music for Christian services. Such music as Rachmaninoff’s “Prelude in C Sharp Minor” or “The Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven, have no place in the House of God. These do not cause the heart to know God and give no intelligent thoughts about God to the waiting audience. This music has its place, but music in the House of God should be altogether spiritual in character. Instrumental music should always be hymns that carry a message to the hearts of those who hear. All other music is a waste of time and does nothing more than exploit the skill of the musician. Those who furnish music in the Church of God should be the people of God. Lost sinners have no place in God’s service. AUGUST 25, 1946 MAKING THE MOST OF SUNDAY Ex. 20:8-11; M ark 2:23-28; M att .' 12:9-13 Sunday is not the Sabbath. It never was and never will be. Sunday is a day'set apart by the government as a day of rest from physical labor. We take advantage of that day of rest in order to spend the time for God. It should be a day of rest. Because our Lord rose from the grave, we are en­ titled to rest, for He is living to work for those who wait for Him. We need a time in the week which may be de­ voted to His glory and to the blessing of others. We spend six days laboring for ourselves, and should not object to giving one day to our lovely Lord who loved us and gave Himself for

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We Must Rush the Gospel to Starving Europe Europe is open to the Gospel! We must rush to help evangelize Soviet Russia, Poland, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria while we have the opportunity. . Unless Christians in Europe receive support in re-establishing their missions and churches, It will become a totally unevangelized field. We will have then lost our God-given opportunity. We must engage and send out Missionaries to reach the multitudes with the gospel. Also we maintain two Russian Bible institutes to train natives to evan­ gelize in Europe, the Far East, Canada and in the United States, in their own native language. If the Holy Spirit should lead you to have a part in winning souls and help the suffering Christians, send your offerings and tithes. Make checks payable to: RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION 64 W. Randolph St., Chicago 1, Illinois Peter Deyneka, General D irector E xe cu tive Committee: Dr. Paul W. Rood, Chairman; Dr. Charles A . - Porter, Associate Chairman: Peter F. Anderson, Treasurer; Roy E. Johnson, Secretary; Lance B. Latham, Charles E. Bodeen, Peter Deyneka. Illustrated Russian Gospel News Magazine sent free on request.

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