JULY, 1946
us. We should take advantage of the fact that Sunday is a legal holiday and therefore we have the privilege of laying aside the cares of earth to as sume the joys of Heaven. Let us set aside that day particularly for the glory of God. For Those Who Have Topics 1. SUNDAY IS A DAY FOR WOR SHIP. Luke 24:52. When the mind is surcharged with business cares, and difficulties of this life, the heart is not in a mood for worship. It is necessary that we lay aside the problems and perplex ities, in order that the heart may be free to pour out to the Lord the grati tude, the love, and the fellowship that He desires. We need the mind free from business matters and the heart free from disappointments. We need the soul free from worldly pleasures. The Lord has arranged it so that we may have such a day. As the Lord’s Day comes each week, let us take ad vantage o f our privilege and lay aside the things of earth, so that we may devote ourselves to the things of Heaven. If we e x p e c t to live in Heaven, we should get accustomed to the Heavenly life down here. Sunday is a good day to start. 2. SUNDAY IS A DAY FOR SERVICE. John 20:17. There is a service to be rendered to God the Father. There is also a service for God the Son. There is also the privilege given of b e i n g the servant of the Church, and all of this is under the gracious leading of the Holy Spirit. During the week days, we are too busy to serve very much. We must be at the office or attend to matters connected with making a living. We must look after the re pairs of the home. Many things must be done yvhich leave little opportu nity for service to the King. When the Lord’s Day comes, the first day of the week which men call Sunday, there is every opportunity of serving as our Lord desires. We shall be glad in eternity that we ser.ved in time. We should be glad now that there is one day in which it is perfectly legiti mate to remain away from the offiee, the store, the factory, in order to serve the King of kings and bring a blessing to human hearts. This is God’s plan and His desire. 3. SUNDAY IS A DAY FOR IM PROVEMENT. Jude 20. During the week we run out, for we are leaky vessels. Our patience becomes exhausted with the trials of the home or of the office. Our love for the Lord cools off because of the pressure of distressing circumstances. Our zeal is dampened by a multitude
of other calls which distract. We need a day in which to recuperate and re cover. The mind n e e d s to be en lightened with t e a c h i n g from the Scripture and this abounds on Sun day. The heart needs to be refreshed by fellowship with G od and with His people. This opportunity is given on Sunday. The body needs to relax from the pressure of the daily grind. We need the inspiration which we may obtain on Sunday to fight the fight of faith the rest of the week. We need to learn on Sunday so that we may practice those truths on Monday. We need the fellowship of God’s people on Sunday in order that we may learn more of our own weakness and see more of the power of God. 4. SUNDAY IS A DAY FOR INVEN TORY. 1 Cor. 11:28. We need a little time of quiet in order to ascertain “how” we are. We desire to grow better and more holy as the days go by. We wish to become more useful and more of a blessing to others. We wish to know the will of God more fully and learn His Word more thoroughly. Because of these de sires, we need a. Sunday in which to enjoy them. We may have some time alone on that day in which to medi tate on how we are getting on for the Lord. We need to examine ourselves
frequently to see whether we are getting dull and rusty in the things of God. We need to see whether we are growing in grace. We also need to see where we are in regard to the service of our Lord. Are we doing the job for which we are best fitted? All of this meditation may best be en joyed on Sunday, the first day of the week.
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Treasurer for Canada: Rev. P. S. Dobson, M.A., D.D., Principal, Alma College, St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Our quarterly bulletins ISRAEL MY GLORY, tent to (III contributors and also on request.
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