King's Business - 1946-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

ler than God’s, as In the treatment of parents. But In the end, God’s plan works out better than the traditions of men. 3. "For this is right" (Eph. 6:1). No other reason than that it is the right thing to do needs to be given for obe­ dience to parents. In Colossians we read that honoring of parents “is well pleasing unto the Lord” 4^:20). Evi­ dence that such an attitude is right is seen in that those who go forth from a proper home life usually are also obedient to the laws of society and the nation. Lawlessness is basically the result of failure to heed what God says about proper home relationships. For the Children How to A ct at H ome E xodus 20:12; L uke 2-51; M atthew 7:12; E phesians 6.T. MEMORY VERSE: “Children, obey your parents” (Col. 3:20). A little girl heard her Sunday school teacher say, “Some boys and girls are living for the lord Jesus in their church and in their school, but they live for Satan in their homes.” The girl knew that all of her teachers and her friends talked about what a sweet Christian she was, but she knew, too, that in her home she was selfish, un­ kind, lazy, and hateful. Quickly she asked her Lord to forgive her, and to make her like Him wherever she was. Perhaps you, too, have been living for the Lord Jesus everywhere but in your home. Some of you may say, “My mother and father don’t understand me. My little brother and sister al­ ways have to tag along wherever I go. If I had a different kind of home I could live for the Saviour there!” God’s Word says about Jesus, “And He went down with them [His par­ ents] . . . and was subject [obedient] unto them” (Luke 2:51). If Jesus had been proud and selfish, He would have refused to obey His earthly parents, for He was God. Since the Son of God was obedient to His parents, sure­ ly boys and girls should be obedient to theirs, too. When the Saviour was older, He told His disciples, “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15:14). He also said, “ If ye love me, keep my com­ mandments” (John 14:15). - In both the Old and the New Testa­ ments, children are commanded to obey their parents. The Old Testament commands, “Honour thy father and thy mother" (Ex. 20:12). In the New Testament, it is stated: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Eph. 6:1). Treating each member of our family as we would like that member to treat us will help us to be Christ-like in our homes. The best way for a Christian boy or girl to live for the Saviour in

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