JULY, 1946
should be averted. Christ came to save the little ones; He does not state that He came to seek them, as He does of adults (cf. Luke 19:10). By nature, children are lost, even though by practice they are not yet astray; they are precious in God’s sight and hence particular care must be exercised that no harm comes to them. God will not hold guiltless anyone who wrongs them. Points and Problems 1. “Thou shalt not kill" (Ex. 20:13). There is a problem in connection with these words. If one were to take the command literally, without any qual ification, he would be forbidden even the taking of animal life. Hence, the whole sacrificial system would be done away with, for it is based upon the shedding of blood. This cannot be the correct interpretation for the rea son that the very law of which this commandment is a part gives definite instruction with regard to the killing of animals (cf. first seven chapters of Leviticus). Furthermore, unqualified, the com mand would not allow the death pen alty for criminals. But this can hardly be, because again we note that the same law of which this commandment is a part, provides for the death pen alty in certain specified cases (Lev. 20:1-10). Moreover, Paul in Romans 13:4 tells us that the ruler “beareth not the sword in vain” against evil doers. This duty these officials per form as ministers of God (Rom. 13:3). This is in harmony with the principle enunciated after the flood, namely, that human governments do have the right and responsibility to exact the death penalty in extreme cases of evil doing. “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed” (Gen. 9:6). What, then, is the answer to the problem of this apparent inharmony? Stress the first word, “Thou,” of this commandment, and the answer is reached. Men are not to take the mat ter of personal vengeance into their own hands. That results in anarchy. In cases of murder, adultery, theft or the like, the injured ones are not to exact punishment directly, but to commit to the civil authorities whose is this responsibility. 2. "Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?" (Matt. 10:29). Sparrows are used in Palestine today as an inex pensive article of diet; the writer him self has eaten them. If the Father cares for these little birds which pro vide only a mouthful of food, how much more will He care for those whom He has created for His- own fel lowship and to whom He sent His Son for their redemption?
the home is to read God’s Word, and to talk with Him in prayer each morn ing before seeing or speaking to any one else: Ask that the words of your mouth and the thoughts of your heart may please Him all day. Then you will find it easy to obey your parents, and to live like the Saviour in your home. LESSON FOR AUGUST 18 The Sacredness of Human Life L E S S O N M A T E R IA L : Ex.' 20:13; Matt. 5:21-24; 10:29-31; 18:10-14. G O L D E N T E X T : “ B u t I sa y unto you, T h a t w hosoever is a n g ry w ith his brother w ithout a cause shafi be in danger of the Ju d gm e nt" (M att. 5:22). Outline and Exposition I. T he P recept (Ex. 20:13) This commandment applies to seek ing for revenge for personal wrongs that may be suffered (cf. T Pet. 2:19- 21; Eph. 4:32). It does not apply to the exercise of the judicial function by properly appointed executioners, act ing for the state (cf. Rom. 13:1-6; 1 Pet. 2:13-15). II. T he A pplication (M att . 5:21-24; 10:29-31) Jesus assumed His proper place of supremacy by stating, “ It was said by them of old time . . . But I say unto you” (5:21, 22). It was to individuals and not to the nation that He was applying this prohibition against kill ing. Being “angry” means having a desire to hurt another personally; call ing him “Raca” (that is, blaming him for some mental lack) indicates a desire to injure his reputation; and saying “Thou fool” (implying some moral lack) manifests a desire to damage one’s character. Hence, when coming before God, one should ask, not “What have I against an enemy?” but “What has he against me?” (cf. 5:23, 24). There can be no reconciliation with God while there is enmity with man: no worship of God without peace with man. In the event of an injustice or a supposed injustice, the, injured Chris tian should remember that nothing occurs to him without the permission of the Father (10:29-31). He who takes note of a sparrow’s fall, and numbers the hairs of the head, holds His own children as infinitely more precious, and will see to it that nothing that is not for their good is permitted. One with this assurance can safely leave personal injuries with such a Father, to whom vengeance belongs (cf. Rom. 12:19). III. T he W arning (M att . 18:10-14) The danger of giving offence to God’s little ones is ever present and
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