TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
LESSON FOR AUGUST 25 Purity in Heart and Life L E S S O N M A T E R IA L : Ex. 20:14; Prov. 4:14-23: M att. 5:8; Phil. 4:8. G O L D E N T E X T : "K e e p thy heart w ith all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life " (Prov. 4:23). Outline and Exposition T he P recept (Ex. 20:14) Adultery nullifies the program and purpose of God (Gen. 2:18-24; Eph. 5:22-33). The “one” that God makes of the “twain” no longer exists when either is guilty of adultery, the only Scriptural ground for divorce. II. T he P ath to P urity (P rov . 4:14-23; M att . 5 :8 ) The “ path of the wicked” and the “path of the just” are contrasted (Prov. 4:14-19). The former (vs. 14-17) should be avoided as one would run from the plague. The wicked are so bent on mischief they cannot sleep till they have done some evil thing, or caused someone to fall; sin and violence are meat and drink to them. On the other hand, the path of the just (vs. 18, 19) becomes increasingly illumined as the “perfect day” draws ever closer, and becomes easier and easier to follow. But the “way of the wicked” is so dark that those who walk therein'cannot see and so do not even k n o w over what they stumble and fall. The protection from the way of the wicked, and direction for the pathway of the just, are found in the Word of God; so this Word is to be heard, considered, and hidden in the heart (vs. 20, 21). As the i s s u e s of life spring from the heart, it is to be kept “above all that is guarded” (marg.). Our Lord pointed to the blessedness of purity of heart; it makes possible the sight of God Himself (Matt. 5:8). With spiritually enlightened eyes, the pure behold what is hidden from all who entertain uncleanness in their hearts even though they never literally perform the evil deeds. It should be noted that our Lord said, “Blessed are," not “Blessed are those trying to be or hoping to be.” HI. T he S ource of P urity (P hil . 4:8) This verse contains a cameo picture of the Lord Jesus; none other could stand before it and be unrebuked. Thinking on these things means think ing on Him, and such meditation will bring likeness to Him and His purity of heart (cf. 2 Cor. 3:17, 18). “Pure” here has the thought of “singleness” more than of “cleanness,” although both are included (cf. John 8:29; Psa. 10 : 8 ).
For the Children How to A ct W ith N eighbors M atthew 5:23; L uke 9:51-56; E phesians 4:32a.
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MEMORY VERSE: “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another” (Eph. 4:32a). One day as the Lord Jesus Christ was planning to travel to Jerusalem to die upon the cross for our sins, He sent messengers ahead of Him to a city to ask the people to prepare for His coming. We would think that the people of any city would be happy to get ready for a visit by the Son of God. But these people refused to let Him come into their town. Two of Jesus’ disciples, James and John, were so angry about this that they wanted to make fire come down from Heaven and kill these who were unkind to their Lord. But because the Saviour loved His enemies as well as His friends, He scolded His disciples for what they had suggested. Rather than arguing with His enemies, and saying unkind things to them, Jesus quietly went on to another village where He would be welcome. Christian boys and girls are always to please God rather than people' but they should also try not to offend others when it is possible without dis obeying God. God’s Word says, “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted-, forgiving one another” (Eph. 4:32a). Christians who obey this commandment do not have trouble in their homes or with their neighbors. When our friends and neighbors see that we are allowing the Lord Jesus to fill our hearts with His love, and to make us kind and for giving, they will want to be His fol lowers, too. Our Lord told those who loved Him that, before they worshiped Him, they must ask forgiveness from anyone who had anything against them. Often that is a hard thing to do. Only oUr Sav iour can cause us to love those whom we have w r o n g e d or who have wronged us. Only He can make us humble enough to ask them to for give us. Saying, “I am sorry,” only with your lips, and not with your heart, Is not obeying Jesus’ command ment. Our actions must show that we truly love everyone. Such love will make others want to know our Sav iour, too. CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Visit or writ© us for Bibles, books, Scripture cards, mottoes and pictures. A good line | of many items for the Christian home and , for the Church and Sunday School. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St. Los Angeles 13, Calif.
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