King's Business - 1946-07


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Charlotte S. Frampton

to read during the Bible drill: 1. Gene­ sis 7:1; 2. Genesis 12:3; 3. Exodus 12:3; 4. Joshua 6:23; 5. Acts 16:14, 15; 6. Acts 18:8; 7. Acts 16:31; 8. Luke 19:9. At the top of the board have the words “and all thy house.” Song—“The B-I-B-L-E" Leader—All repeat the names of the twelve books of History. (Ask a boy to volunteer to stand and repeat the names. Then ask a girl to do the same.) Again, all together, repeat iV A V iV iV A V A V A V A v a v a v a Evzyzyxyxya TEN REASONS WHY •I SWEAR Lt. Robert M. Davis has

these names. Now let us read the words on our board, “ and all thy house.” Yes, God loves the family. We read in God’s Word of many families’ being saved. (Have someone stand and read Genesis 7:1—place on the board the name Noah. Follow with Genesis 12:3—Abraham; Exodus 12:3 —Passover; Joshua 6:23—Rahab; Acts 16:14,15 — Lydia; Acts 18:8—Crispus; Acts 16:31—Jailer; Luke 19:9—Zac- chaeus. As names are read, place on board the names of the persons men­ tioned.) May each of our families be com­ plete in Heaven. Ready for our reference hunt: 1. Exo- due 20:12; 2. Ephesians 6:1; 4. Colos- sians 3:20; ,4. Acts 16:31. Count sides. Repeat 2 Timothy 2:15. August 18 Have two boards, and two sets of the printed names of the books of History and the Poetry books. Have placed on the boards the names of the 5 books of Poetry. Song —“The B-I-B-L-E" Leader —All stand and repeat Isaiah 40:8, one of cxur m e m o r y verses. (Leader should hold up the printed reference.) Let us all read from our board the names of the five books of Poetry. Who was Job? Answer— Job 1:1. Leader—This is probably the oldest of the Bible books. Who wrote most of the Psalms? Answer —David. Leader —And who wrote many of the Proverbs? Answer —Solomon. Leader —Who was he? Answer —King of Israel; the wisest man. Leader —Besides the ones he wrote, Solomon gathered together many of the wise sayings current among his people. What other b o o k s did he write? Answer— Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon. (Leader remark briefly about each.) Leader —Let us all r e p e a t these again. (Have a boy step to one board, and a girl to the other. Remove and jumble the names. Hand a set to each. Then at a given signal, see who can place them correctly on the board first. While the names are being re­ placed on the board, the leader will have the group repeat, two or'three times ,the names so that all aré learn­ ing and working. Do the same with the twelve books of History.)

August 4 Song—“The B-I-B-L-E”

Leader—Remain standing, all who are ready with one of the many names of the Lord Jesus. Give the name and the Bible reference. You will remem­ ber that last week we were informed that in the Bible there were over three hundred names for Him, and each of us was told to look up one of these names. (Only a few will remember the request, so call quickly on each one! Perhaps no one will have chosen the one which the leader had chosen the week before, but revealed to NO ONE.) My choice is Matthew 1:21— Jesus, Saviour from sin. The boy who has the same reference, come forward and receive this small American flag to pin on his coat lapel. (Give some recognition, a flag, picture or motto. This should not take more than two minutes.) And now I wish to tell you about our rainbow bookmark (described at close, of. this article), and how each of you may have one for your own Bible. I hope to give one to several of you on the last Sunday in Septem­ ber. (Explain this briefly. Tell how the Bible is a complete library of 66 books, having two main divisions—the Old Testament, and. the New Testa­ ment. Each of these is again divided into five groups of books. As the talk progresses, place on the feltograph board the words—Old Testament— New Testament; and then under each, the names of the five groups. Have all repeat the names of the first group— the 5 Law; also, the 4 Gospels.) Al­ ready we know two groups. Now say the twelve books of History. (Show how the first three are single books, then three pairs of books, and again three singles. Such suggestions help in memorizing.) . Ready for our reference hunt: What God says about His day of worship: 1. Exodus 20:8; 2. Psalm 118:24; 3, Matthew 12:8; 4. Acts 16:13. Count sides. All repeat 2 Timothy 2:15. i ... August 11 Before the school session opens, give out the references. Have each ref­ erence written on a slip of paper, and ask each recipient to immediately find and read the verse, and keep it ready

passed on the Following which his C h a p I a i n , prompted by an undue amount of profanity among his men, distributed among them during the campaign in Germany. 1. It pleases Mother so much. 2. It is a mark of manli­ ness. 3. It proves I have great self-control. 4. It indicates how clear­ ly my mind operates. 5. It makes conversation so pleasing to every­ body. 6. It leaves no doubt in anyone's mind as to my good breeding. 7. It impresses people that I have more than an ordinary education. 8. It is an unmistakable proof of outstanding culture and refinement. 9. It makes me a very desirable personality among women and children, and in re­ spectable society. 10. It is my way of honor­ ing God who said: “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord' thy God in vain.” O M A H A , N E B R A S K A , T A B E R N A C L E B U L L E T IN .

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