JULY, 1946
Ready for our reference hunt: 1. Exodus 20:13; 2. Isaiah 59:1; 3. Mat thew 5:22; 4. Ephesians 4:32. Count sides. Repeat 2 Timothy 2:15. August 25 Have on the board these words, one under the other: TRUE, HONEST, JUST, PURE, LOVELY, GOOD RE PORT, THINK ON THESE THINGS. Song—“The B-I-B-L-Ë.” Leader — (Call on someone to read the names on the board.) Where do we find a verse with these words in it? Answer—Philippians 4:8. Leader —(Have a child Standing by the board, now add the reference at the foot of the board.) Let us all find this verse. Read the first two words . . . now read the next phrase . . . now together, let us read the reference and the verse. And now, being helped only by the words on our board, let us look up and again repeat our verse. (Do this three times. Repetition is impor tant in all memory work.) If there is time, review the names of the Bible through the 5 books of Poetry. Ready for our reference hunt: 1. Genesis 1:27; 2. Proverbs 4:23; 3. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20; 4. Colossians 3:17; 5.1 Corinthians 10:31. Count sides. Repeat Philippians 4:8. How to Make and Use The Rainbow Bookmark The Rainbow Bookmark is a cluster of nine ribbons of different colors. These ribbons are arranged in a .defi nite order, and when placed in the Bible, divide it into its ten groups of books. The ribbons should be two inches longer than the average Bible, making the bookmark about ten inches in length. Each of the eight rib bons is securely and separately sewed into a % inch tuck of the red ribbon which is not cut off until the book mark is completed. It is more eco nomical to buy the ribbon by the bolt —two of the red, and one each of the other colors. (This will make 34 or 35 bookmarks.) As soon as a child has memorized the names of all of the books of the Bible, he is eligible for one of these bookmarks. He must first recite these to the leader before the school session. Then during the Bible Drill, he must come to the front, recite the names loudly before the school, after which time he is given a bookmark. The following is a list of the differ ent colors of ribbons used, and the names of the groups which they rep resent: the red is used first, and over all the other colors, as it speaks to us of the scarlet cord running through the Bible, representing the sin sacrifice. Red is placed after the five books of Law; orange placed after the twelve books of History; yellow placed after the five books of Poetry;
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CHRIST 1 AN m ■ GREETING CARDS 2LF®La5ei Christmas folders have appropriate Scripture •nil? “enthnenis that express TRUE CHRISTmas arHatfraU* 7iv.r*tUa*nt,j arty to the Christmas season. Designs are T h « . ® / k ,g "lphed in, sev,en beautifully tinted pastel colors. «J r cards make People conscious that CHRISTmas win «Ln « birth0day. Se!l readily at $1. As Special Sample O ff* we 21. f?!der8 P'H* box of beautiful all-occasion folders Jr* J°f. ra,se funds, agents make money, selling our complete line of 20 Assortments. Profit op to 100%.Write today] S H E P H E R D 'S T O W N C A R D CO. Shepherdstow n, Pa., B o x 67 green placed after the five Major Prophets; light blue placed after the twelve Minor Prophets; white placed after the four Gospels; dark blue placed after the one book of History; lavender placed after the fourteen Special Letters; and purple placed after the seven General Letters. Make two sets of printed names of the books of the Bible and of the group names, to be used with this bookmark. Use light weight colored construction paper. Cut into strips, 9 by about 2% inches. Use 1 inch high rubber stamp letters f*r the printing. Print each group of names on paper
^AUA#AW A*\ItA¥A*ÀiyA¥A¥A¥fl'»AllAWAWÂWïa TAKING A VACATION Why not spend some of that extra time securing King's Business sub scriptions? Pleasant and profitable. Write Circulation Dept, for details. the color of the corresponding ribbon in the bookmark; i.e., on the twelve strips of red paper, print two each of the following: 5 Law, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. Use gold paper for the l a s t group: I Prophecy, Revelation. (Print on white cardboard the words—Old Testament; New Testament.) These strips, used in visual aid, have been of great value in teaching the boys and girls—and the older folk as well—the books of the Bible, and the bookmark awards encourage them to do their memory work speedily and thoroughly.
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