King's Business - 1946-07

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


CANNON BEACH Bible Conference •; (Non-Profit Corporation)

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 cents per word—minimum $1.00 JOIN DAILY BIBLE READERS CLUB. Helps children and adults become daily Bible readers. Write for full information. See also our other advertisements on this page. Christian Education Company, Dept. K, Box 232, Eugene, Ore. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN any quantity for distribution to the un­ saved: “ What Have YOU Done With CHRIST?” “ The Most Important Question of Today,” “ Judge or Saviour,” “ The Res­ urrected Body,” '‘Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the WORLD’S HISTORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kans. ____ . CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for your hymn-poem assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited and'printed. New books. Poetic Metre —Explained, 25c. Est. -1918. Raymond Iden, (K.B.) Mount Vernon, Ohio.______________ ROLLS DEVELOPED EXTRA ENLARGED prints, 8 exposures, 30c; 12 exposures 40c; 16 exposures 50c. Reprints 10 or more, 4c each. 5x7 enlargements 25c, 8x10 40c. Write for souvenir. Mt. Horeb Photo Service, Box 583, Mt. Horeb, Wis. _______________________ FUNDAMENTAL CHURCHES LOOKING for a pastor, do you need contacts with pastors who preach and teach the Bible? Let us supply you with the names of such men. Free service. Fundamental Gospel Preachers, if you are looking for a church where there is a Bible-centered ministry wanted, let us. supply you with such loca­ tions. Write Rural American Evangeliza­ tion Fellowship, 3405 S. E. 9th Ave., Port­ land, Ore.______ __________ _ _ COMPLETE SET BIBLE FILMSTRIPS (600 pictures) $24, either Testament $13. Also projectors, hymn and mission film­ strips. etc. See our other advertisements on this page, Christian Education Company, Dept. K, Box 232, Eugene, Ore.________ , AGENTS WANTED—SEND AND SELL 'Greeting Cards with true Christian senti­ ments. We feature twenty different as­ sortments. Commission up to 100%. Shep­ herd’s Town Card Company, Shepherdstown ;27y- Pa. : _ __________ ;_____________ THE WILSON INDEX SYSTEM OF FIL- ing and indexing. Designed for needs ot . clergymen and other Bible students. Cir­ culars upon request. Wilson Index Com­ pany, East Haddam, Conn. _ i_ S U C C E S S F U L CHRISTIAN EDITOR, male, would like to work for Christian pub­ lisher of newspaper, magazine. Best refer­ ences." Box 482 , Bellflower, Calif.__________ THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY. 300 R A R E sound books, 600 pamphlets and articles in­ dexed topically, book number and page. A mine of information for teaching and preaching. $350.00 in Los Angeles. Box 7o4, King’s Business.'______ _ _______ •~ STRENGTHEN CHRISTIAN HOMES BY introducing The Christian Parent, monthly national parent magazine on Bible basis (includes daily devotions for children) $1.50 year, 5 subscriptions or 5 years $5.00. Chil­ dren love The Children’s Hour, weekly pa­ per with stories that help children love Jesus. 50 cents year, less in quantity. See our other advertisements this page. Chris­ tian Education Company, Dept. K, Box 232, 'Eugene^ Ore. 24 ORIGINAL GOSPEL SONGS BY DAN and Esther, (nee Suderman) with family picture, 75c, D. G. Berg, 3106 Washington) Chicago 12, 111. THREE NEW BOOKS By W. T. McLean God's Clothes Line, pa 50c, clo $1.00 23rd Psalm 50c clo $1.00 Gospel Shrapnel ...... pa 50c clo $1.00 Per dozen $5.00 clo $10.00 Central Bible Depot, Inc. 1249 Griswold St. • Detroit 26, Mich.

Earth's Treasure Heaps (Continued from Page 307) up the study of archaeology and take to raising lentils.” " Since that state­ ment was made, the science of pottery dating has continued to develop until now it is considered accurate within a margin of about 25 years. 1. Wright, The Pottery of Palestine from the Earliest Times to the End of the Early Bronze Age, 1937, p. 1. 2. Ibid. 3. Sunday School Times, August 11, 1928, article by M. G. Kyle. •THIS INTERESTING SUBJECT WILL BE CONTINUED IN THE AUGUST ISSUE OF THE KING’S BUSINESS. / ChristianWriter Experienced Christian writers and authors earn $2,000 to $10,000 a year. Christian publishers today need them. We train you at-home in spare time for a Christian writing career. Pre­ vious experience unnecessary'. Per­ sonal training under supervision of staff of SUNDAY Magazine. Write for free sample lesson “ You Develop Your Story.” CHRISTIAN WRITERS’ INSTITUTE 800 N. Clark Chicago 10, III. BECOME A TRAINED

90 miles from Portland, Oregon, at beautiful Cannon Beach, July 13 to August 13— exclusive beach resort. SPEAKERS Vance Havner Chaplain John Wm. Lee Spratt Kopp Helen Duff Baugh Bill Cady Wilbur Scafe and others Interdenominational - Sound Evangelical For Information Write REV. ARCH IE McNEILL Box 397, Cannon Beach, Oregon HUME LAKECONFERENCES At Hume Lake, Calif. June 24 - Sept. 2 Speakers: Dick Hillis, Tom M. Olsen, Earl Morgan, Owen Lower, Aubrey Gardner, Rev. Herman Pettit, John Strain, Rev. John F. Woollett, Rieder Kalland, and others. For further information write to HUME LAKE CONFERENCE 2027 Kern St. Fresno, Calif.

THE BEST IN VISUAL A IDS N O W IN Beautiful Rich Colors at Reduced Prices

You will want this new movable, realistic, picture method of telling Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline prob­ lems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be sur­ prised at results. Children want to learn and they clamor tor this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attendance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method of teaching, to—

S T O R Y - O - G R A P H S

Dept. K. P. O. B ox 145, Pasadena, Calif,

BIBLE HANDWORK TO COLOR Eleven Bible stories and four children’s songs in outline pictures for pupils to color. Three series, 15 titles, average 8 pictures to each tide. Order by title. Series 1. Old Testament Stories Series 2, New Testament Stories Noah Moses Joseph Daniel Shepherd Psalm Samuel 15c each title; 90c complete series • Paul Christmas Story Lord’s Prayer Resurrection Good Samaritan Story 15c each title; 75c complete series» Series 3. Favorite Songs The Wise Men—Song X Think When I Read That World Children for Sweet Story Jesus ' Jesus Loves Me 15c each title; 60c complete series • Free catalog of Church and Sunday School requisites sent on requesti WM . H. DIETZ, Inc. 10 So. Wabash Ave., Dept. 103, Chicago 3, III.

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