
Sonora, California Mother Lode Fair 2019 Destructionderbywill return to the arena By gIUSEPPE RICAPITO The Union Democrat Wednesday, July 3 2019 — 7

After a one year hiatus, the Destruction Derby will return to the Mother Lode Fair to cap off a weekend of arena events.

“Come out and expect to see a lot of carnage and mayhem, cars destroying each other. I think it’s fun because it’s not everyday you get to see cars crashing into each other, radiators exploding. It’s more of a show than anything,” said Rich Rutledge, owner of V&R Motorsports in Dixon, the promoter for the derby. The derby is billed as the arena hallmark of the 82nd

After a brief

absence from the Mother Lode Fair, the de- struction derby will return on Sunday to close out the four- day event.

Entry into the arena for the truck and

tractor pulls and the destruction derby costs $10 per person (in addition to fair entry fee).

Annual Mother Lode Fair, complete with dozens of entrants in their hand-crafted, strategically designed Frankenstein vehicles.

File photo / Union Democrat

See ARENA / Page 21

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