
18 —Wednesday, July 3, 2019 Mother Lode Fair 2019 Youthprepare animals for auction at fair By gUY McCARTHY The Union Democrat

Sonora, California

Auction times The Junior Livestock Auction will begin at 5 p.m. Saturday, July 6, in the livestock area at the Mother Lode Fairgrounds. The Small Livestock Auction will be- gin at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, July 7.

Hayley Henson, 18, used a coarse brush to scrub Mane ‘n Tail shampoo lather on the back of a 6-month-old, 220-pound Hampshire pig named Axel that weighs twice as much as she does. Axel sounded like he was giv- ing birth to an even bigger pig as he snorted, wheezed, grunted and rooted at some Show-Rite feed containing corn, soy bean and rice that Hayley placed in a tub to distract the animal. They moved farther inside the back section of a livestock trailer, to where Hayley could use Andis Ultra Edge electric clippers with metal blades to trim the now-clean hair off Axel’s wide, freckled back, with- out disturbing Oreo, Hayley’s 10-year-old sister Kennedy’s 210-pound pig. “You want the hair clean, just like when you cut your own hair,” said Stacy Ingalls, a Fu- ture Farmers of America advisor at Sonora High School, who was at the Hensons’ place to help supervise the pig grooming ses-

sion. “The barber wants to cut clean hair.” Hayley and Kennedy are getting their pigs ready for the four-day 2019 Mother Lode Fair, along with their sister, Nicole, 16, who is raising a 12-month- old, 1,100-pound steer named Charlie. All three Henson sisters hope to see their ani- mals sold at this year’s Junior Livestock Auction on Saturday, July 6. Youngsters raising animals Up and down the Mother Lode, from down in Stent out- side Jamestown to the Hensons’ place outside Columbia, from

See LIVESTOCK / Page 19

Guy McCarthy / Union Democrat

Hayley Henson, 18, uses electric clippers with metal blades to trim hair off the back of a six-month-old, 220-pound Hampshire pig named Axel that weighs twice as much as she does, to get ready for the Junior Livestock Auction at the 2019 Mother Lode Fair in July.

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