
Wednesday, July 3 2019 — 21

Mother Lode Fair 2019

Sonora, California

AReNA Continued from Page 7

AG Continued from Page 11

Grant (7 p.m.), pioneer female country-rock and soul singer Bonnie Bishop (8 p.m.) and Americana singer-songwriter Paul Thorne (9 p.m.). On Friday and Saturday, Truck & Tractor Pulls will start off at 7:15 p.m. Friday night will feature diesel tractors and 4x4 pulling and the “Super Pull” Saturday night. “It’s a tradition and it’s what we can do in our arena.We can’t get a big country act like Vince Gill or Brad Paisley, so we have to look at what we have to work with and what we have to offer,” Hamilton said. Hamilton said it was common for local motorheads to enter into the Super Pull on Saturday night. “It’s fun to come out and cheer on your friends. It makes it a lot of fun because it’s not something you get to see every day,” Hamil- ton said. Admission to the arena costs $10 for the Friday through Sun- day motorsports events. This year, there will also be a fireworks show to close out each of the arena events. “When I was a kid we had fireworks every year,” Hamilton said. “We’re very excited we have fireworks on three nights not just one.” Contact Giuseppe Ricapito at (209) 588-4526 or gricapito@

From the driver’s point of view, you get to take out frustrations with traffic and road rage, Rut- ledge said. For the viewers, you get to hear the metal-crunching of the impacts and gaze and balls of flame and smoke as parts of the vehicles fail. “The derby is back,” said fair board president Ron Hamilton. Hamilton said on June 19 at least 20 people were already signed up for the event. Rutledge said there will be two to three heats, with the top finish- ers moving on into a final round. the last vehicle to be left working at the end of the destruction will win the top prize of $3,000. Second place earns $1,500 and third will take $500. Rutledge said a series of safety requirements were in place for the drivers, including a full cage welded into the main driving car. Drivers were also required to wear belts, he said. Vehicles are evaluated by four people to make sure the vehicles were up to code. The Destruction Derby will begin at 7:15 p.m. on Sunday. The Mother Lode Fair will kick off on Independence Day with a free concert for those with fair tickets featuring Sonora-raised country music artist Jennifer

the Sierra building. Adult entries in photography and art will be showcased in the Creekside building. Both buildings will be open for all four days of the fair when the gates open at 3 p.m. and close about an hour before the fair does each night. The fair will be open until 11 p.m. on Thursday, mid- night on Friday and Saturday, and 11 p.m. on Sunday. Contact Alex MacLean at or (209) 588-4530.

Courtesy photo / Shaun Laing Emma Castillo, a sophomore at Don Pedro High School, works on a milking stand she made as an entry in the still exhibits for the 82nd annual Mother Lode Fair.

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