

Competitive Exhibits DESIGN INWOOD: Woodworkers from all over the world enter traditional and contemporary furniture, models, clocks, carvings and more to compete in this show, described as “the biggest and best woodworking exhibition in the country” by the editor of Fine Woodworking Magazine . Docent-led tours provide detailed information and backstories on exhibit entries every day at 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., and throughout the day there are demonstrations including scroll saws, woodturning, and more. FINE ART: This juried show includes acrylic, oil and watercolor paintings, collages, drawings, sculptures and more, all judged on visual impact, composition, technical quality, creativity and overall presentation. Many of the masterpieces on exhibit are for sale, so be on the lookout for a new addition to your living room walls!

FLOWER SHOW sponsored by Think Blue : Our Paul Ecke Jr. Flower Show is the region’s largest exhibition of award- winning flowers and floral displays, and nature’s beauty is on full display in each and every individual stem. Examine the near-perfection of the structured dahlia bloom, the vibrant colors of the gladiolus and the sweet scent of the rose. Professional, amateur, novice and beginner floral designers assemble bouquets reflecting special themes, such as Over the Rainbow , Good Witch, Bad Witch , Tin & Tinsel and more. GARDEN SHOW sponsored by Think Blue : Themed There’s No Place Like Home , our Paul Ecke Jr. Garden Show showcases unique landscaping ideas you can replicate in your own backyard. Landscaped displays range in size from 250 to 1,000 square feet, and feature patios, decking, walls, pots and fountains. Displays are judged on educational value, practicality, use of hardscape, quality and size of plant material, and overall visual appeal. Look for “noteworthy plants,” which are deemed exceptional or rare wall-mounted, hanging or freestanding outdoor plants. Our collection of bonsai, tray landscapes and container gardens prove you don’t need a large outdoor space to create an impactful garden.



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