GEMS, MINERALS & JEWELRY: This year’s “Fossil of the Year” category brings special attention to fossil fruit, leaves and cones. Gemstones, mineral specimens, and more are on display. Amateur and professional jewelry makers exhibit their adornments and some are for sale, so you can leave this exhibit with some extra bling! Be sure to duck into the black-lighted mineral display room, where minerals glow in striking fluorescent oranges and greens! HOME & HOBBY: The decorated cake display is a favorite, but this exhibit also includes a wide variety of foods, hobbies, crafts and contests. Needle arts include embroidery, quilting, sewing, weaving, felting and leather. The table setting displays may inspire you to host a dinner party. The collections range from quirky to awe-inspiring, and have been featured on Ken Kramer’s “About San Diego.” Contests range from homemade cheese to kombucha, upcycled aprons to patriotic quilt blocks which will be featured in a special “Quilt of Valor.” PHOTOGRAPHY: With more than $25,000 in cash and awards, this juried and highly-competitive exhibit draws entries from around the world! If you’re looking to spruce up your home decor, note that many of these exceptional Young Talent CREATIVE YOUTH: This 30,000-square-foot tent houses the work of individuals and youth organizations, ages 5 through 17. From art and photography projects, food items, collections, jewelry, models, garden projects and STE(A)M gadgets and robots, this display will inspire admiration and bring out the creative desire in children of all ages!
photographs are available for purchase. From full-color to black-and-white, scenic landscapes to intimate portraits, action sports photography to still lifes—if a picture is worth a thousand words, this display tells the story of a lifetime. LIVESTOCK BREED SHOW sponsored by Chevrolet : Both adult and youth exhibitors enter cattle, sheep and goats in hopes of winning top honors. Animals are evaluated based on the desired traits and characteristics of the individual breed, soundness, and conformation. LIVESTOCK MARKET SHOW sponsored by Chevrolet : Youth from 4-H and FFA clubs enter their hand-raised animals for a chance to win ribbons and a coveted spot in the annual Junior Livestock Auction held on Saturday, June 29. In each animal species (swine, goats, rabbits, lamb, and beef) a Grand Champion and a Reserve Grand Champion are chosen—the best of the best. Only Blue Ribbon animals are eligible for auction. SMALL ANIMALS: Rabbits, cavies, and dogs are entered into this exhibit. Animals are evaluated on the desired traits and characteristics of the breed, and exhibitors are judged on showmanship. BEST OF Pre K-6th Grade: Elementary teachers throughout San Diego and Tijuana enter their students’ work collectively in this exhibit that resembles a giant “Back to School Night!” STUDENT SHOWCASE: Middle schools, high schools and community college teachers enter their students’ work, which includes drafting, fashion, fine art, photography, graphics and video, literary publications, web designs and development, science and technology.
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