King's Business - 1923-11


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

When we try to do things in our own strength we have a hard time, and make so many mistakes, and that is what Peter did at first. Before Jesus was crucified Peter said lie would die for Jesus, but later on at the trial Peter became very weak and frightened, and even said he did not know Jesus. In our story today, Peter is a new man, for he has God’s Holy Spirit in his heart and life, and he has power to be a wonderful witness for Jesus, and he just watches for a chance to preach and tell people about Jesus, where ever he goes. Sometimes they put him in prison for preaching about Jesus, but he keeps right on. He knows people are lost who do not know Jesus, and his heart is so full of love for lost souls, he just can not keep still. When Jesus went back to heaven he told the disciples to wait until He (Jesus) would send His Holy Spirit to be with them and help them. As God’s Spirit came upon them, there was a noise like a rushing wind, and the disciples had great power and began to preach, and soon great crowds gathered, and Peter preached to the people, the most wonderful sermon ever preached, and a great number (3000) were saved by that one sermon. What a changed man Peter is now. He is not a coward any more, but bold and full of courage. He even tells the Jewish leaders that they had crucified Jesus, their Messiah. When the people hear these words from Peter’s lips, they ask what they can do, and Peter tells them they must repent (that is ask forgiveness) of their sin and be baptized. Peter was not a good witness for Jesus until he had God’s Holy Spirit to help him, and then he became one of the best witnesses God ever had. Our mem­ ory verse says, “How shall they hear without a preacher”? How about the people who will not go to church, to hear the preacher? Don’t you think we will have to go to them, and tell them about Jesus? We must remember we are witnesses just by our lives, for people watch those who say they belong to Jesus, to see if they can see any difference in their lives. Are we living so that our neighbors will want to know our Jesus, and become followers of Him too? Closing Prayer.—Dear Heavenly Father we thank thee for sending Jesus to be our Saviour, and help us to be true witnesses day by day. ' ¿He

T h e W in n e r W e know th a t o u r re ad e rs a re anxiously aw ait- . in g th e an n o u n cem en t of th e successful co n te stan t in th e S cholarship C o n test w hich has b een o n since Ja n u a ry 1 of this y e a r T h e FIRST PR IZE consisting of a scholarship e n ­ titlin g th e recip ien t to room an d b o a rd free for the full school y e a r in th e Bible Institu te of Los A ngeles, w en t to Miss N ora Jo rd an— a first y e a r stu d en t— she having secu red n e arly 500 subscriptions. W e extend o u r h e arty c o n g ratu la tio n s to Miss, Jo rd a n and rejoice w ith h e r in th e o p p o rtu n ity th u s afforded fo r de­ voting herself, w ith o u t hindrance, to h e r studies for th e second year. T h e SECOND PRIZE— a scholarship in all th e Seven C o rresp o n d en ce C ourses offered by th e Insti­ tute, w as w on by Miss C lara O rr, of Seattle, Vv’ash- ington, w ith a reco rd of over 300 subscriptions. T h e TH IRD PRIZE, consisting of a lib ra ry of books to th e v alu e of $20.00, w ent to M r. J. H offm an, Sunnyside, W ashington. T h e rules governing th e co n test stated th a t a FOURTH PR IZE w ould be received by every one tak in g p a rt, an d th a t rew ard w ould b e th e conscious jo y of h av in g helped so m any people to becom e a c ­ q u ain ted w ith T H E K ING'S BUSINESS, th ere b y fu r­ nishing them w ith an a b u n d an t su pply of AMMUN I­ T ION for use in th e fight now being w aged in d e­ fense of th e faith of o u r fathers. O ne y o u n g m an, w ho e n te red th e race a t a ra th e r late date, did splendid w ork, sending in 35 su b scrip ­ tions ju st a day o r so a fte r th e co n test had closed. T h is is ju st a n o th e r p ro o f th a t “ IT CAN BE DONE !” an d w e only re g re t th a t h e did n o t get in th e gam e earlier. W e a re su re he w ould have m ade a good record. W e a p p rec ia te th e w o rk done by e v ery o n e of these loyal friends, a n d are. w ritin g to e ac h one su g ­ gesting th a t he o r . she consider him self on herself a "K in g ’s Business A g e n t” an d go rig h t on w ith the good w o rk of secu rin g as m any subscriptions as p o s­ sible. W e w ish EVERY SUBSCRIBER w ould c o n ­ sider them selves as an a g en t an d “ EVERY ONE WIN ONE.” It w ould do y o u r own soul good a n d b e a w onderful en co u rag em en t to us. REMEMBER that, beginning Ja n u a ry 1, 1924, th e p ric e will be increased to $1.25 a year, b u t all su b ­ scriptions received p rio r to th a t d a te will be e n tered a t th e p re sen t ra te of $1.00 R em em ber, too, th a t th e KING'S BUSINESS m akes a very acceptable C hristm as gift, and SEND IN YOUR RENEWALS an d NEW SUB­ SCR IPTIONS N OW. A t th e sam e tim e tell us how y o u like th e new d ep artm en ts w hich a p p ea red fo r th e first tim e in th e O c to b er issue. A dear old saint wrote us recently, enclosing $1.00 for Gospels of John, and saying: •“I am a new beginner in giving out these Gospels, though I am nearly 87 and born again when 15, being baptized in a small creek in the winter with snow on the ground. Glory to God! That was the happiest day of my life. Now I am a “shut-in” but have thought I could do a little for the Master by giving out the Word of Life.”,, This is a work in which all can take part. We have the promise (Isa. 55:11) that “My word * * * shall not re­ turn unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” The Gospel of John was designed by God for the specific purpose of soul-winning (John 20:31): “But these are written that ye might believe that! Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that, believing, ye might have life through his name.” and we may, therefore, have perfect confidence that it will accomplish its purpose.

THYSELF, THY WORD, THY WORK Thyself, O God, I yearn to see With eyes anointed from on high, That I Thy glory may behold,— For this by day and night I cry. Thyself, O God, within me dwell/ “ Until of evil not a thing, Inwrought by Satan’s deadly pow’r, Shall for a moment to me cling. Thy Word, O God, Thy holy Word, By inspiration surely giv’n, Blest fountain of eternal truth, And the unfailing chart to heav’n.

Thy Word, O God, Thy quick’ning Word, How great its saving, cleansing pow’r, More precious than the gold of earth, Oh may I live in it each hour. Thy Work, O God, alone be mine, ’ No other service do I crave, Therewith may mind and heart be filled, Lord, make me strong and wise and brave. Thy Work, O God, how vast the field, How few the toilers, ah, how few! May all Thy children everywhere Most clearly hear Thy call anew.

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