T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Busted !
That’s «¿¿¡f Way You’ll Look After Christmas! That’s Right Brother— But Say -L ISTEN !!! Before they F IN ISH me I’M going to send
The Los Angeles Times says: In an eastern community there is considerable turmoil over the circumstance that some citizen is broadcasting pro fanity and indelicate stories by radio. The peaceful resi dents are shocked to have their bed-time tales interlarded with a glittering array of cuss words or a bit of coarse and confusing scandal. The Prosecuting Attorney has. been ap pealed to, hut thus far the sinner has not been identified. When wild and wicked men noxiate our senses with vicious verbiage by wireless our very air calls for fumigation. When this offender is located he is likely to burgeon forth in tar and feathers, as the Prosecutor is not sure of the ef ficiency of printed law to cover the offense. This will have to be looked after. Our broadcasting must be made safe for society. It must be painful enough to have to listen to rasping razz-jazz so much of the time, but if the radio is to fall into the hands of wretched, wanton specimens of humanity, decent people will be compelled to cut out the radio for their children’s sake and for decency’s sake. Will the time ever come when the air itself may carry messages and we will be compelled to hear and helpless to prevent it? Satan is the prince of the power of the air and he seems to be running things now-a-days. DO YOU SEEK SALVATION FOR YOUR CHILDREN? When Dr. Talmage was asked how he became a Christian, he declared it was all due to a night his grandmother spent in prayer fori her three sons and a daughter, and how, as a result of it, they were all converted. Then he told how his father, rejoicing the next day in his new found salva tion, went and told his sweetheart about it, and she, too, accepted Christ. Then how, his mother, remembering her salvation was due to prayer, met with five other mothers every Saturday afternoon for years to pray for their chil dren, and how every child of every mother was converted and how he himself was the last of the eleven children of their household. Here is the answer to the question asked by some mo thers: “How can my children he brought to Christ?” Have a personal interest in their salvation. Have a definite pur pose in your effort. Have a prayer circle in your home, for your own children and the children of others. God hears and answers, but He waits for a cry from burdened, broken, believing hearts. BUT YOU DON’T You can worship God in the woods and in the fields—but you don’t. You can worship God on the lakes and on the rivers— but you don’t. You can worship God on the roads in the auto—hut you don’t. You can worship God in a different church each Sunday morning—hut you don’t. You can worship God in your lodge and neglect the church—but you don’t. You can worship God by sending the children to Sunday School—but you don’t. You can worship God by going to church and taking the children with you—but will you?—The Lookout. (Continued on Page 114)
THE KING’S BUSINESS $1 or $2, maybe $5, and have them send The K. B. Magazine to some of my friends. It has been a big help to me and I believe it will be to them.
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