King's Business - 1923-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

ChristmasisNear Give Good Religious Fiction this year in- stead of just ordinary novels

COMBATING EVOLUTION ON THE PACIFIC COAST By Means of a Series of Scientific Addresses to the Young People of High School and College Age. Harry Rimmer The outstanding agnostics of the modern age are the high school college student. To any proposition sub­ mitted for acceptance or belief, their automatic response is “prove it.” This fetich is “Science.” No matter what illogical proposition or far-fetched conclusion may be made, if it is advanced in the name of science, it finds a ready ac­ ceptance. Scholastic blasphemy is the unforgivable sin. The criticism of professedly scientific utterances puts one immediately beyond the pale of possible redemption. When we who believe in the infallibility of God’s Word come into contact with the student body of this modern age, we frequently affirm this thesis, “The Bible and science are in absolute harmony.”. Instantly the response comes, “prove it.” The writer has never faced any student body on this subject without finding a ready response on thier part to the facts and proofs advanced. The only opposition I have ever encountered comes from the erroneous con­ clusions of the falsely called “Evolution.” With a credul­ ity intense and profound the modern student will accept any statement or dogma advanced by the scientific specula­ tions and far-fetched philosophy of the evolvular hypothe­ sis. In recent years believers in God’s Word have made intensive studies in the sciences which supposedly sub­ stantiate the theory of evolution, so that when the student of today says that evolution opposes the facts of the Scrip­ ture, we no longer meekly bow to their statement. In the fascinating and scientific game called “Chess” we are taught that the best method of “defense” is “offense.” If you can attack the weakness of your opponent’s posi­ tion, you safeguard your own threatened point. We admit of no weakness in the Word of God, which has weathered all assaults for over 4000 years; and becoming tired of defense, we have now begun to assail the ridiculous and manifold weakness of the evolutionary theory. This has brought about the present day apparent contradiction be­ tween science and the Scriptures. The Scriptures are in­ fallible and absolute. They are the Word of God. A sci­ ence is a correlated body of “absolute” knowledge. Be­ tween these two there can be, and is no difference. Before us now there is set an open door of service in a series of scientific addresses to the students of the Pa­ cific Coast. In this lecture tour it is our hope and our prayer that the faith of many will be strengthened, that wavering backbones will be stiffened, and students who are today being robbed of their faith in God’s Word and the Christ of that Word may be given the necessary support to ground them in ascientific belief in the Word of God. The writer has been for some time engaged in scientific research, and is bringing as this time the results of these intensive studies to the attention of the student classes. The purpose of this brief announcement is to solicit your prayers that the Holy Spirit will not only open doors of opportunity, but will prepare the hearts of the students to receive the truth that He is eager to reveal. If you have a large student body—either High School or College—in your community, make arrangements for them to hear this series of lectures. Communicate with T. C. Horton, 536 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California, for dates.

The Passing of “The Word”

A R om ance of C ollege Life By H elen H enshaw

T h e book depicts th e w holesom e an d ty p ical A m erican college girl of today, w h o w ith seriousness of c h a ra c te r can have as well th e sp irit of frolic. W hile th e sto ry p u rp o rts to im p a rt a serious m essage, nevertheless, th e re is a c ertain tre n d of h um o r th ro u g h th e pages. T he college girl*® rhapsodies o n flow ers an d am usem ents, a n d typical friendships th a t a re form ed, lend to th e n a r ­ rative a n a tu ra ln e ss w hich is in ev ery w ay pleasin g aiid a p p ro p ria te . Interw oven is a love them e, by no m eans com plex, b u t a d d in g a c ertain c h arm to th e volum e. T h e dialogue th ro u g h o u t is n a tu ra l a n d pleasing a n d th e m oral an d psychological elem ent is stro n g ly m arked. A n ex­ ceptionally h ealthy sto ry . C loth,' $1 .5 0 The Conflict By Miss Elizabeth Knauss Scarlet and Purple By Sydney Watson

Good salv atio n sto rie s are rare,— th is is a ra re one,— an exceedingly in terestin g sto ry . God’s Good News concerning H is Son an d w hat H e has done fo r u s is th e them e running th ro u g h it from beginning to end, b u t it does n o t in any w ay in ­ terfere w ith th e p lo t o r the ch arac te rs except to en ­ hance y o u r in te re st in them . It b rin g s th e read er face to face w ith Jesu s C h rist a s Saviour, an d m any souls have been b o r n a g a i n th ro u g h its reading. P u t “S carlet an d P u rp le” into th e h ands of young people,— in to th e h ands o f anyone you w ant to see converted. Cloth, $1.25 The Mark of the Beast By Sydney Watson T here a re b u t com p ara­ tively few people who u n d er­ stan d co rrectly w h at th e Bible teaches concerning “th e G reat T rib u latio n ,”— th a t aw ful p e­ riod of d istre ss th a t is com ­ ing upon th is e a rth durin g th e tim e w hen th e A n tic h rist will rule w ith unhindered sw ay. In “The M ark of th e B east” these fa c ts a re m o st vividly p o rtray ed in sto ry form . So in terestin g is th e sto ry th a t m any people read it th ro u g h a t one sittin g , only to tak e up th e book ag ain to re-read once, tw ice an d possibly th ree tim es, u n til th e tru e teaching of th e trib u latio n is so fixed in th e ir m inds th a t th ey will never fo rg et it. Cloth, $1.25

T his is the book of th e hour for everyone w ho is in any w ay in terested in th e conflict betw een th e M odern­ ist w ing of th e C hurch an d those w ho hold fa st to the g re a t fundam ental d octrines of th e C h ristian religion. “T he C onflict” tells th e sto ry in sto ry form— a real live sto ry en tertain in g from b e­ ginning to end— and very helpful. You will w an t a t least one copy fo r yourself an d one fo r y o u r p a sto r. O rder a t once an d p u t in circu latio n in y o u r com m un­ ity . Cloth, $1.25 In the Twinkling of an Eye By Sydney Watson The Second Com ing of the L ord is a v ery precious tru th to m any C hristians, an d would be to m any m ore if th ey only understood. Some a re a d ­ verse to stu d y in g th e ir Bibles ju s t to learn th is p a rtic u la r tru th , b u t everybody will read a n d enjoy a good, well w rit­ ten sto ry . In th e Tw inkling of an Eye is an exceedingly in terestin g sto ry in w hich the d o ctrin e of th e re tu rn o f the L ord is so in tim ately in te r­ w oven th a t th e read er ab so rb s it, u tte rly unconscious th a t he is being tau g h t,— so th o r­ oughly does he becom e a b ­ sorbed in th e sto ry . It is ju st th e book to p u t in to the h an d s of young C hristians, careless C hristians, nom inal C hristians. Read it fo r y o u r­ self, an d th en you will u n d er­ sta n d w h at w e m ean. Cloth, $1.25

IT’S NOT TOO LATE to look into the matter of using the Whole Bible S. S. Lesson Course, as arranged by the Lesson Committee of the World’s Fundamental Associa­ tion. Send for sample “Outline of Lessons” and “Birds-eye View of the Old Testament.”

If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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