King's Business - 1923-11


fl H E : K I N G ’ S' B U S I N E S S

This writer receives! hundreds of earnest letters from those who would advise him. Many are my friends who piead with me to soften. Oh, do not speak so plainly, is their earnest plea. They beg that I shall learn to love the enemies of my country and my Christ. They urge me to forgive thosd who would tear the flag to shreds and take from my old Bible leaf after leaf. They say that I shall surely make the world believe me cruel and heartless, if I do not hide my battle axe. And thus they plead. And I appreciate their interest and love them for it. But how on earth can I quit! Those six children are mine and they must live amid the environment that I leave. They must inherit the country that I give to them. My country’s glorious constitution and her laws were given me by my old mountain father to hand down to my sons. The mighty battles, of Protestant Christianity were fought and I in­ herited the victory for my children, if I should worthily preserve the truths for which my fathers contended. That tender Christ who died for me left me the injunction that I contend for the faith once delivered and place the obliga­ tion on my children after me. Say, friend, how can I quit! There is no quitting place. Would you quit? Would you or- would you not! I SAT, FRIEND, LISTEN: WOULD YOU OR WOULD YOU NOT? A WORD FROM THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES ABOUT THE WHOLE BIBLE S. S. LESSON COURSE, answering an inquiry from a subscriber: “P lease send me in fo rm atio n re g a rd in g th e F u n d am en ta ls Sunday-School L esson Course, such as stu d y helps, papers, cards, etc., fo r th e different grades. Shall you publish th e le s­ sons in yo u r p ap er th is y ear?—A M ichigan R eader. W e notice an a rtic le in yo u r issue of A u g u st 18 re la tiv e to th e W hole-B ible Sunday-school Course. W e a re th in k in g of u sin g th is course in a class of m en w hich th e w rite r teaches, bu t have been u n able to find out, from y our a rtic le or a n y th in g else th a t we have read, w here we can g e t lite ra tu re or help to be given to th e m em bers of th e class, to be used in p re p a ra ­ tio n of th e lesson. I f th ere is an y lite ra tu re or help th a t can be h ad su itab le to give to th e m em bers of th e class, please advise us w here and how we can g e t it.—An A rk a n sa s R eader. One of the chief purposes of the new “Whole-Bible Sun­ day-School Course” issued by the Christian Fundamentals Association is to help people to study the Bible Itself, not helps on the Bible. Almost unbelievable blessing has come to Sunday-Schools or classes that have dared to take; the step of using the “Bible only” in the class and in the hands of the pupils. So far as the Sunday School Times is in­ formed, no plans have been made to furnish helps, papers, cards, and the like for members of classes using the new lessons, but it is earnestly hoped that teachers will use the course to get their classes to reading and studying the Bible itself, in the home circle and in their personal study. Simple helps for teachers of classes will be provided In various papers, such as The Sunday School Times, which commences its treatment of the new “Whole-Bible Course” in this week’s issue. A pamphlet giving the entire Old Testament course, from October 7, 1923 to March 29, 1925, may be had from the Biola Book Room, Los An­ geles, Cal., at 5 cents a copy or $3.00 a hundred. The King’s Business, the monthly magazine of the Los Angeles Bible Institute, will furnish a teachers’ article on the new lessons. There is a great blessing in store for those who will turn away from the old idea that a large and varied assortment of “helps” must be had for their classes, and instead, get hack to the Book itself which has the words of eternal life.”

A Special Issue of the K ing’s Business has been printed containing complete expositions of the Whole Bible Sunday School Lesson Course as prepared by The Lesson Committee of the W orld’s Conference on Christian Fundamentals 10c each, $10.00 per 100 BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Los Angeles, Calif. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY of th e Whole Bible Sunday School Lesson Course October 7,1923 March 29,1925 R e c o m m e n d e d b y th e World Conference on Christian Fundamentals Price» 5 c en ts single c o p y ; $ 3 .0 0 p e r h u n d red T o B e U sed in C o n n e c tio n W ith Bird’s EyeView of th e Old Testament S h o w in g th e P R IN C IP A L P E R SO N S , P L A C E S , EV EN T S , D O C T R IN E S e n a b lin g th e s tu d e n t to p la c e e v e ry p ro m in e n t c h a r a c te r a n d e v e n t in th e ir p e rio d . C om piled fo r easy m em orizing.

T . C . H O R T O N C o p y rig h t 1922 Biola Book Room 536 -5 5 8 S outh H o p e S treet LOS ANGELES, CALIFORN IA P rice, Single C opy, 10c; $ 5 .0 0 p e r H u n d red


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