King's Business - 1923-11

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S





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GO AND GIVE There are two Scripture texts which, although brief, are distinct commands and embrace the great work committed to the church: “ Go ye into all the world” and “ Give ye them to eat.” The manner and methods of accomplishing this are not given in detail, and do not need to be. They are as varied as are men and women.

THANKSGIVING “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thess. 5:18). The people of these United States should be a thank­ ful people. We are the most favored of all the nations in the world. We are the most prosperous. We are the most

independent. We have no political alliances to give us occasion for fear. We have the privilege of wor­ shipping God according to the dictates of our own conscience. We have every reason to be thankful but—are we? We have a Thanksgiv­ ing Day, set apart by the authority of our govern­ ment, but will we really give thanks on that day? It will be a holiday, but will be to many people a holy-day? Will there be many who will stop and think of the “ what for” and the “ how.” Will the day come and go without much thought of what it should mean to us, and through us, to Him who has made it possible? There are heavy clouds in the sky. There are rumblings in the earth.

One of the joys of Christian service is the un­ numbered variety of ways which the Spirit of God uses in spreading the Gos­ pel. It is sad that so large a number of .Chris­ tian people have no per­ sonal interest, or part, in the spread of the Gospel. They believe that our Lord gave the commands “ go” and “ give,” but they think these com­ mands must have been meant for preachers or— as they term them—mis­ sionaries. They do not understand that every be­ liever is constituted a mis­ sionary by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. “ As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you” were the words of the resurrected Son of God in the upper room. Why do Christians fail to understand this? Have we failed to make it defin­ itely plain ? Have wé al­ lowed invidious distinc­

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Lord of the harvest! thee we hail; Thine ancient promise doth not fail; The varying seasons haste their round, With goodness all our years are crowned; Our thanks we pay This holy day; Oh, let our hearts in tune be found! If spring doth wake the song of mirth; If summer warms the fruitful earth; When winter sweeps the naked, plain, Or autumn yields its ripened grain; Still do we sing To thee, our King; Through all their changes thou dost reign. Lord of the harvest! all is thine, The rains that fall, the suns that shine, The seed once hidden in the ground, The skill that makes our fruits abound! New, every year Thy gifts appear; New praises from our lips shall sound. 1851. John H. Gurney.

Will we see and hear? Will we take time to stop and ask ourselves the question, “ What am I thankful for?” or will it be the same old story of thoughtless fun and feasting? Let us, as members of thé King’s Business family, take time to take the Book in our hands, reverently lift our hearts in gratitude for it and for its story of the wonderful love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and for the privilege accorded us of serving Him ; and, then, as we look at our Sin-Substitute, pouring out His blood upon the cross—for us ; at the vacant tomb from which He arose—for us ; see Him at the right hand of the Father—for us; hear His blessed promise, “ I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also,”-—may we pour out our souls in real thanksgiving.

tions concerning the relation of the Christian to the work of the church to blind their eyes, and if so, should We not tear away the veil which hinders their sight that the truth may be revealed? Every believer is a missionary, a foreign missionary ; heaven is home; we are left here for a purpose, so big and blessed that we should rejoice in it. “ Go” and ‘‘give !’’ That is what is involved in His other mesage, “ Follow Me.” If we follow Him we must go and give. Some Christians have crude conceptions of this business. We have heard some question thè value of the distribution of tracts and Gospels. When the Bible Institute of Los Angeles planned a printing depart­ ment, it was with a pledge to the Lord that all of the

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