King's Business - 1923-11

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ChristmasisNear AND You should be Especially interested in this list of Helpful Books for Children What the Wild Flowers Tell Us D udley O liver O sterheld Simple, clear descriptions of th é w ild flowers, ex p lain ­ ing th e ir life a n d grow th and uses, m ake this book d e­ lightful reading fo r y o u n g people and g row n-ups alike. F rom e ac h flow er th e a u th o r has d raw n a lesson of tru th an d b e au ty in con n ectio n w ith the teach in g s of th e Bible, especially as c en terin g in th e life a n d teachings of o u r L ord. T h e book is valuable fo r S unday School teachers, w o rk in Ju n io r co n gregations and Y oung P e o ­ p le's Societies. C loth, $ 1 .5 0 Tell Me a T rue S tory By Mary Stewart Go-to-Bed Stories By Lattice Bell


Do you love what heaven hates or do you love what heaven loves? To put you in there loving what heaven hates would be to put you in hell. “Endless sin means endless woe. Into endless sin I go. If my soul from reason rent, Takes from sin its final bent,” : Take that in, friends. “Endless sin means endless woe.” If you do not repent of sin here, where it is a mixture of good and bad, you will not repent there, even if you had the chance, where there is only bad, where sin continues, and sorrow continues. My closing word is this. Jesus Christ on the Cross dying for man is God’s justification for hell. All the sacrifice that heaven could make has been made for your redemp­ tion. You reject it, you despise it. You, take the poison, and then demand of God that you shall not be hurt. You mingle with the contagious diseases, then demand of God that you shall not take them. You go down and down, demanding of God that you shall go up and up while you are going down. Your unreasonable and unrighteous de­ mands of God will not justify you. Christ on the Cross is the foundation of heaven and the foundation of hell. To reject Him is to make it right that you should go out into the dark to which you turn. To accept Him is to make it right that you should rise into the light and the character that He imparts. Will you accept Him? God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth”*—what a child can do, what the weakest as well as the strongest can do, and what is the index of a character, weak or strong,¡»-“whosoever be- lieveth.” Whosoever. That takes in you and the world. “Whosoever believeth should not perish.” If God had said, “Whosoever goes to the planet Mars shall be saved” it would not be unreasonable that anybody should be lost. If God had said, “Whosoever commits to memory the multi­ plication table should be saved” there might be some mem­ ories that could not do it. If God had made any sort of condition you might justify yourself in not being saved. But God made it so easy that if you reject, it is justifiable that you pass on down into the dark. God help you to accept Him, and have heaven here and hereafter. AMBASSADOR BOOTH RETURNS FROM AUSTRALASIA Mr. Herbert Booth, the youngest son of the late General Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, has just returned from a three and a half, years’ campaign in Australia and New Zealand, where his testimony has been greatly blessed to the conversion of hundreds of souls. Mr. Booth has also established what he terms “The Christian Covenanters’ Confederacy” which has for its object not only the defense of the great fundamentals of our faith, but the members pledge themselves to a life of separation from the world, meeting weekly for prayer, testimony and fellowship, regardless of denominational affiliations. Quite a considerable number of ministers have joined the movement. As the originator, Mr. Booth has taken the Scriptural title of “Ambassador” from 2 Cor. 5:20, “Now, then, we are ambassadors for Christ." Ambassador Booth’s address while in this country is “Robinlawn” Yonkers-on-Hudson, N. Y., where he is at present engaged in issuing a number of new books and preparing for the Fall and Winter campaign. “Hence, my soul, this instant yield. Let the light its sceptre wield. Whilst my God prolongeth grace, Haste thou toward His holy place.”

T his splendid book of o rig ­ inal sto ries h as w on a high place, n o t only in th e h e arts of children, for whom they a re p rim arily intended, b u t also am ong p aren ts, kin d er- g a rtn e rs a n d o th ers w ho have experienced th e th rill of retell­ ing M iss S tew art’s inim itable sto ries to child listeners. It is a fascin atin g volum e of ‘‘Bible S tudies fo r th e C hil­ d ren ’s H our,” w hich cam e quickly into deserved p o p u lar­ ity. To have children of all ages sit spellbound th ro u g h sto ry a fte r sto ry only to plead for “ju s t one m ore,” is an experience n o t a t all uncom ­ m on to u sers of “Tell m e a tru e sto ry .” C loth, $1.75

Dr. G. Cam pbell M organ, th e well know n London p reach er, says of th e “G o-to-B ed S to r­ ies” : “The title of th is book is a delusion a n d a snare. H aving com pleted a heavy day ’s w ork, I took it up and it said, ‘G o-to-Bed S tories.’ I comm enced to look a t it w ith the resu lt th a t 1 did n o t go to bed u n til 1 h ad read the w hole of it 1 God has given th e a u ­ thoress a m ost rem arkable a p ­ titu d e for teach in g children. The g re a t charm a b o u t th is book is th e fa c t th a t th e s to r­ ies a lte rn a te betw een the Bible an d th e happenings of to d ay .’* Cloth, $1.50

Bible Boys and Girls

By S tu a rt Nye H utchison, D. D. E very one of these stories has a n a p p eal th a t will re ac h a n d stir a n d w in th e h e a rts of children. T h e a u th o r has a special gift for vividly p re sen tin g th e tru th s of S crip tu re, as th ese sto ries a b u n d an tly show . T hey cover a v ariety of subjects, and th e tru th s a re clothed in lan g u ag e th a t reveals. P astors, su p e rin te n d en ts and teachers will find th e volum e richly suggestive as to bo th ■subjects and m ethods of tre a tm e n t in a w ay to in stru ct a n d in te rest children. C loth, $1 .2 5 The Children’s Missionary Series T h irte en Bplendid m issionary stories w hich tell of th irteen d ifferent countries, th a t a re ju st th e th in g for children. E ac h and every sto ry is told in a sim ple w ay w hich th e smallest- children can u n d erstan d . T h ey are designed to please a n d in stru c t an d to aw ak en th e ir in ­ tere st in, a n d sym pathy for, th e y o u n g folks of p rom in e n t m issionary countries. T h ese a re exceptionally good books fo r m others w ho lik e to read o r tell tru e, live stories to th eir little ones; o r th ey can b e used to a g re a t a d v an tag e in ch ild ren 's m ission study classes. C hildren of W ild A u stra lia

C hildren of Persia C h ildren of C eylon C hildren of A rab ia C hildren of C hina C hildren of L ab rad o r C hildren of B orneo

C hildren of E gypt C hildren of India C hildren of Jam aica C hildren of A frica C hildren of Jap an C hildren of Jerusalem

T hese excellent books w ritten from th e m issionary p o in t of view all have eight full-page, highly colored illu stratio n s w hich add greatly to th eir delightfulness. _________\___________ _______________ P rice 75c each If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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