King's Business - 1923-11

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ChristmasisNear AND you will make no mistake in selecting presents from the following list of books dealing definitely with The Deepening o f the Spiritual Life Miss D rew has provided a really ch arm in g book fo r hom e reading. It is a sto ry of a series of w onderful re ­ vival services. W hen th e S p irit of God lay s hold of an in ­ dividual o r comm unity, m iracles a re w ro u g h t, a n d this sto ry is a recital of m iracles. If y o u w ish to stir up a spirit of revival in y o u r hom e ch u rch , this is th e book to c irc u la te am ong those w ho m ight b e responsive. C loth, $1 .5 0 Revival Lectures By C harles G. Finney Power Through Prayer By E dw ard M. Bounds The Revival at Broad Lane By K ate D rew


We must admit that the power of our service does not lie in our office or appointment, neither is our success as Christian ministers made to depend upon intellectual or social advantages, hut upon something much further in and deeper down than any of these. Our need is great. It is made great by reason of our office, and all that is expected of us. Have we not often gone forth to speak the word of cheer to others when our own hearts were greatly downcast? Have we not often directed the feet of our people into the Shining Way when we ourselves were walking in darkness? Have we not often felt that we were employing a language to which our experience Was largely a stranger? Have we not had a consciousness at times, startling and challenging, that all was not well with ourselves? These thoughts and emotions have been mine, and no doubt have been yours, and they serve a splendid end if they do but drive us into God, and lead our impotence to take refuge in His omnipotence. The Christian ministry is the hope of the present situa­ tion. If the prophets of the Lord are clothed with power, and out of convinced and chastened hearts proclaim the redeeming message, the people in multitudes will hear and live. We are messengers first of all not to “An Age of Doubt,” but to “A World of Sin,” and for such a world negations and speculations are poor substitutes for ringing certain­ ties, and the voice of faith. As a last word, will you permit me to say that I can never forget that day twenty-two years ago, and some thirteen years after my conversion, when my whole life and ministry were suddenly challenged—when it was revealed to me that I was little more than a middleman between my books and the people—when I was given to see that I was more anxious to he a PREACHER than God’s MESSENGER, that my master-passion was not the accomplishment of the will of God at any cost; and that my ruling motive was not the love of Christ. In that hour the edifice I had been laboriously building lay in ruins about me, and for a while all was dark despair. But, "Into the wood my Master came,” and, finding me there, in His mercy He brought me out, out into newness of life, out into fulness of service; and although I blush to think of much that lies between that hour and this, yet, I gratefully bear my testimony that His coming then, and in that way, has been the determining factor in my life. When JESUS long ago TOOK the loaves and BRAKE and gave them to the multitude, He revealed a truth and a method; and He still is- meeting the need of the world by means of men who have been broken. The relation of these things to one another, and in this order, is frequently illustrated in the Scriptures. ISAIAH received a revelation of the glory and majesty of the Lord seated upon the throne. That unveiling led to the greatest experience of his spiritual life, when he cried, “Woe is me,” and was answered by the Flaming Seraph. And that experience issued in his dedication to service. “Whom shall I send?” the Lord inquired; and the prophet, now illumined and yielded, replied, “Here am I, send me.” Thus, revelation led to experience, and experienc to service; vision produced passion, and passion issued in Mission.

The co n ten ts of th is m es­ sage upon p ra y e r should be read alike by p reach er an d teach er, ev an g elist a n d in te r­ cessor. Its p ages co n tain an appeal to every “w orker to ­ g eth er w ith C h rist" an d stim u ­ late th e desire fo r p ray er in the v aried relationships of C hristian life. T he appeal de­ serves a w ide circu latio n am o n g st m em bers of P ray e r Circles a n d P ra y e r U nions, and, indeed, am o n g st all who are looking fo r a revival of tru e religion in o u r ow n land, and an exodus of am b assad o rs for C h rist to h eath en an d Moslem populations. C loth, $1.00

These lectu res are th e re ­ su lt of Finney’s m any years of successful E vangelistic la ­ bors. T hey a re full of real revival fire an d a re exceed­ ingly in terestin g reading. N ot only th a t— th ey a re full of soul food th a t w ill do y o u r h e art good a n d give you som e­ th in g to th in k ab o u t. If you w ish to knbw the tru e secret of a successful revival d o n 't fail to read, a n d th en re-read th is book. C loth, $1.50

The Bible and Spiritual Life By D r. A . T . P ierso n

A book th a t w ill do m uch tow ard d eepening th e sp iritu a l life of everyone w ho re ad s it. It show s the very vital relationship th a t th e Bible ha

Sim ple b u t im pressive c h ap ­ te rs on God’s presence. Sin, P ray er, Service, The C ross, H eaven an d Hell b y th e fa ith ­ ful Indian C hristian evangel­ ist. They tajce th e form of a colloquy betw een the M aster an d th e D isciple, expressed in parabolic form and O riental im agery. B oards, 75c

H e art-to -h e a rt ta lk s w ith C hristians on God’s provision for v icto ry over sin during th is p resen t life. Gives the good new s of full an d in sta n t deliverance, show s God’s w ay th ro u g h th e V ictorious C hrist. A book for hungering h earts. C loth, $1.50

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