King's Business - 1923-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

LIVING IN GOD’S WORD Rev. A. W. Orwig, Los Angeles

Edition De Luxe Scofield Bibles P rinted on highest grade of extra tough India paper and bound in the finest quality of gen­ uine green Seal Skin. Before the war we received from England a sample of these Bibles bu t were not able to ob­ tain a stock of them because of the inability of the publishers to obtain the proper quality of leather for binding and sufficient quantity of this particular grade of India paper. Now we are glad to announce them as in stock and ready for sale. These Bible come in bo th sizes. The Regular Size p rinted in clear-face brevier type and the Pocket Size printed in large m inion type.

Every Christian ought to live, so to speak, in the Word of God. This should he the case from the beginning to the close of his Christian career. It is unspeakably better than living in the finest palace on 'earth. Once his soul has been truly ravished in the Book Divine he would be­ come homesick for it if dwelling in any other place. God’s Word is the great and inexhaustible storehouse of spiritual nourishment from which we need continually to draw. We can no more neglect this, and expect to grow properly in grace and, divine knowledge, that to expect to maintain physical ruggedness while neglecting to partake of daily food. This is God’s order in the one case as greatly as in the other. To live in the Word of God means more than most per­ sons'imagine, and is more than most Christians do. Some preachers, as well as others, are among the number. Their sermons are not the real product of prayerful, dilligent and delightful study of the blessed Word, but of their own intellects and the lore gathered from other sources. Be it understood, .however, that 1 am not undervaluing the proper use of human learning, but simply referring to the tendency to neglect of the one thing and the undue exalta­ tion of the other. To live in God’s Word is to make it one’s constant com­ panion, but in a far higher sense than any other book can be a companion. The fact must be constantly recognized and felt that we are in contact with divine truth and with sentiments of infinite importance,—sentiments that affect our own and others’ weal or woe. Living in the Word is to deeply search it and to meditate upon it under the quickening and illuminating power of the Holy Spirit. It is to bury ourselves in it until our whole beings are saturated, our hearts cleansed and our lives transformed thereby. There must be a love and passion for it which absolutely no other book can inspire. God Himself says, “Thou shalt meditate therein day and night.” And the Psalmist, speaking of the man of God, declares, “His delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” Quite possibly the poet Tennyson received inspiration from these passages to write the following lines: “Save for my daily range Among the pleasant fields of Holy Writ I might despair.” And just because many Christians do not make enough of the Word of God, they sometimes despair of leading truly joyous and victorious lives. They live the so-called “up and down, sinning and repenting” lives. Often they become an easy prey to the enchantments of the world and the wiles of the devil. They seldom get beyond spiritual babyhood. Alas, that there are so many discouraged, weakly, unfruitful children of God! Of real joy in the Lord they know but very little, and that is notably spas­ modic.' The chief remedy for all such persons is to live more in God’s sweet and holy Word. Of course other means of grace are necessary, among them the duty and privilege of prayer. But there is nothing like a constant delving into the Word of God for furnishing material for spontaneous, edifying, melting, Holy Ghost prayer. The Word of God itself expressly tells us that we need the benefits of a deep union with the Book. We are admonished to let it dwell in us richly in all wisdom. We are informed that it is profitable for us in many ways. No one can go prayerfully through the 119th Psalm without being deeply impressed with the unspeakable preciousness and need of God’s holy Word. When one really lives in it, through the illuminat­ ing influence of the Holy Spirit, he will indeed behold “wondrous things,” and he will experience just as won­ derful things. Oh, the enlightening, quickening, comfort­ ing, protecting, purifying, mellowing power of the Word! The Psalmist says, “Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy name.” If God has put upon His holy Word such great honor, surely we should prize and love it and live in it. It should be sweeter to us than honey and the honey­ comb, and more precious than gold, yea than much fine gold. Into this glorious mine let us sink our shaft deeper than ever!

No. 68 GSX— T h e m inion ty p e p o c k et edition. P ag e b y p ag e identical w ith th e larg e ty p e edi­ tion, only sm aller. Sam e binding and finish.

88 GSX— P rin ted in large, easily read b re ­ v ier type. B ound in finest quality of g reen Seal Skin, divinity c ir­ cuit, g re en le a th e r lined to edge, silk sewed, ro u n d co rn ers, g reen u n ­ d e r gold edges.


T h e Ideal T e a c h e r’s E dition C ontains in addition to th e re g u la r Scofield N otes a very com plete C yclopedic Bible D ictionary, D ictionary of P ro p e r Names, S ubject Index a n d C o n co rd an ce all u n d e r on alp h ab etic a rra n g em e n t. C ontain« also D r. T o rre y ’s very helpful n o tes on “H ow to Study th e Bible,** including th e b est tex ts fo r use in dealing w ith different classes of p eople and how to use them .

No. 36 8X T— T h e m inion type, p o c k et edition. P age by page identical w ith th e larg e ty p e edi­ tion, only sm aller. Sam e binding a n d finish:

No. 588X T— P rin te d in large, easily re ad b re ­ vier type. B ound in fin­ est quality of g reen Seal Skin, divinity circuit, g re en le a th e r lined to edge, silk sewed, rou n d corners, g reen u n d e r gold edges.

N ote— The green u nder gold edge! of these B ibles m akes th e p rin tin g stan d o u t m uch blacker, m uch clearer, m uch m ore easily read th a n th e usual red u n d er gold edge. These SPECIAL De Luxe E dition Scofield B ibles can be ob­ tain ed !n th e U nited S tates only from us. A ny sty le delivered b y insured m ail p o stp aid upon receip t of price. U nless cash accom panies o rd er all goods will be sen t C. O. D. If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail ad d 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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