King's Business - 1923-11

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ChristmasisNear AND we cannot too highly recommend the following Christian Life Classics as gifts sure to be acceptable. The Christian’s Secret o f a Happy Life By H a n n ah W hitall Sm ith T o comm end this w o rk seem s alm ost superflous, and y e t to C hristians w ho do n o t know it, we c an n o t refrain from saying, “Buy this b o o k a n d k eep it w ith y o u r Bible fo r c o n stan t study, until y o u have th o ro u g h ly m as­ tered, in y o u r own experience, th é S ecret of w hich it tells.” T h is is a b o o k needed to d ay as n e v er before. It will tran sfo rm those d a rk days in y o u r life a n d b rin g happiness to y o u r hom e, once its me>ssage is know n a n d u nderstood. C loth, $ 1 .0 0 The Master’s Indwelling By A ndrew M urray Abide in Christ By A ndrew M urray T h o u g h ts on th e B lessed Life of Fellow ship w ith th e Son of God. How to Succeed In the Christian Life By D r. R. A . T o rrey T h e b est b o o k w e know to p u t into th e han d s of th e y o u n g convert, a n d even in th e hands of m o re m a tu re C hristians. It tells th e y o u n g co n v ert ju st w h a t he needs to know . It will also b e helpful to m any w h o have long b een C hristians, b u t have n o t m ade th a t headw ay in th e C h ristian life th a t th ey desire. C loth, 75c Days of Heaven Upon Earth By R ev. A. B. Sim pson The Life of Fuller Purpose If you w ould like to know the secret of th e C om forting Presence, th e indw elling p e r­ so n ality a n d pow er of th e H oly S pirit, th is is th e one book th a t you need m o st to read. B etter o rd er it today. B oards, 75c The th irty -o n e sh o rt-sto ry ch ap ters of th is book a re a r ­ ran g ed a s daily readings for a m onth. They a re a n expo­ sitio n of th e fifteenth ch ap ter of John,— C h rist’s w ords ab o u t the vine a n d th e branches. __________________ B oards, $1.00

THE SMART YOUNG MAN (Continued from page 71)

The Minister: “What changes in the Word of God do you regard as necessary to make it conform to your judg­ ment?”^ ,; The smart young man: “Having, in a Christian college, accepted theistlc evolution as the method of creation, I re­ ject the miracles and the supernatural as inconsistent with this hypothesis and must be allowed to explain the Mosaic account of man’s creation as poetical, the virgin birth as allegorical, and the bodily resurrection of Christ as symbolical. As, according to evolution, man has been rising all the time, there could have been no fall of man, and therefore, no need of the atoning blood of a Saviour; therefore, in accepting Christ, I must be permitted to ac­ cept Him merely as an example and be governed by His teachings only insofar as I think them wise and applicable to present-day conditions. Minister: In the first place, if the Bible is—as we be­ lieve it to be—the revealed will of God, we are not at liberty to change it. We have no more right than you to transfer the presumption of infallibility to ourselves and then condemn the Bible as fallible and subject to any change that our whim or mood may suggest. Second: If we were at liberty to change it, we would not be willing to rob Christ of the glory of a virgin birth, the honor of a divine mission, and the triumph of a resur­ rection—such a Christ would be of no value to the world. Christ, presented as the son of Joseph, speaking with no authority, and still an occupant of the tomb, would not have as much Influence as uninspired teachers, because His claim to divinity, if overthrown, would make Him an Im­ postor rather than a leader. Third: Christ died for all and we are anxious, to carry His salvation to all—learned and unlearned alike. To make the changes that you suggest, merely to please a small percentage of the people, would be a repudiation of Christ’s appeal. Only a small fraction of the American people graduate from a college or university—a large ma­ jority of them never go to high school even, but all have souls and our religion is based upon the doctrine that all souls are of equal value before God. “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden” proves the universality of His call. The “common people” heard Christ gladly and no church that deserves to be called Christian will discrim­ inate against them. Moreover, experience has shown that the Bible, as It was written and as it Is interpreted by orthodox Christians, appeals more strongly than a denatured Bible to the educated as well as to the unlettered. Education Is not a bar to faith, as shown by the fact that a large majority of the educated Christians of the world are found in the churches that believe in the virgin birth, the atonement, and the resurrection. All who come into the Kingdom must come with the faith of little children; they are not per­ mitted to substitute worship of their own minds for the worship of God or to belittle the heart, “out of which are the issues of life.” And the young man went away laughing, for he was very smart. How hard it is for them that put all their trust in their own Infallibility to enter into the Kingdom of God!

By J. S tu a rt H olden, M. A. T his accom plished English w riter is well know n to th e C h ristian w orld th ro u g h his repeated m in istratio n s a t th e N orthfield Summ er Conference. H is ad d resses a t th e Y oung W om en’s C onference, w hich w ere th e b asis fo r th is vo l­ um e w ere m arked by th e ir d i­ rect appeal to th e sp iritu al conscience. C loth, 75c

T his volum e is used fa r and wide as a fam ily devotional book. It contains a pag e for each day, an d com prises som e choice selections from Mr. Sim pson’s w ritings. Cloth, $1.50

“In Christ Jesus”— The Sphere o f the Believer’s Life By D r. A . T . P ierson

T h ’s book co n tain s a series of “K ey N ote” Studies in th e P au lin e Epistles, th e p h ra se “ In C h rist” b ein g th e c en tral th em e of each study. T h e a u th o r in his in tro d u c ­ tion says, “W e see th e vital im p o rtan ce of th e p h ra se ‘In C h rist5 in th e fact th a t these w ords u n lo ck a n d in ­ te rp re t every se p a ra te b o o k in th e New T estam ent. H ere is God’s ow n key w h ereb y w e m ay open all th e various doors and e n te r all th e g lorious room s in this p alace beautiful, and ex p lo re all th e a p artm e n ts in th e house of th e heavenly In te rp re te r from M atthew to th e A p o c a ­ ly pse.” If y o u lik e good Biblical in te rp re ta tio n s th a t a re filled w ith real soul food, b u y this book. C loth, $1 .5 0 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e b y m ail add 10% fo r postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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