King's Business - 1923-11

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ChristmasisNear AND a good well written biography will please anybody as a present

POINTERS FOR PREACHERS AND TEACHERS (Continued from Page 106) FAITH IN CHRIST Faith obtains salvation, Acts 16:31. Faith secures everlasting life, John 6:47. Faith makes us partakers of the divine nature, or chil­ dren of God, 1 John 5:1. Faith relieves us of any fear of the judgment as to our sins, John 5:24. Faith introduces the sinner into the presence of God completely justified, Acts 13:39. Faith, before any works of any kind are done, receives a righteousness which is accepted in the high court of heaven, Rom. 4:5. Faith, which excludes all merit of our own, renders our salvation perfectly secure, Rom. 4:16.^-Selected. Three Petitions We Ought to Make Daily God’s Measuring Rod. Eph. 8: IS, 10 How long is it?' One end rests in Eph. 2:1-3. The other in Eph. 2:6, 7. Compare with Eph. 1:20, 21 same depth, same height. R. W. H. Three Famous Pits Dug for the Glory of Man (Gen. 37:28. Who dug it? Man. (Gen. 41:40,) 41. Dug for the Glory of God (Ps. 40:2, 3). Who dug it? Satan (Eph. 2:4-7). Dug for the downfall of Satan (Rev. 20:2, 3). Who dug it? God. —R. W. H. The Reliever’s PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Crucified WITH Christ, Rom. 6:6. Resurrected WITH Christ, Eph. 2:5. Seated IN Christ, Eph. 2:6. Glorified WITH Christ, Col. 3:4. Enriched THROUGH Christ, Eph. 2:7. Forever WITH Christ, 1st Thes. 4:16, 17. THEREFORE 1st Thes. 4:18. —R. W. H. The Shortest and Hardest Alphabet to Learn by Heart Alpha:—“The People who KNOW their God shall be STRONG and DO,” Dan. 11:32. (“Exploits” not in the original.) Omega:—“I can DO ALL things THROUGH CHRIST! who strengthened ME!” Rev. 1:8; Phil. 4:13. —R. W. H. POINTS FOR PREACHERS IN DEUTERONOMY, Chap. 33 1. SALVATION—“Happy art thou Saved,” verse 29. 2. SATISFACTION—“Satisfied with favour,” verse 23. 3. SAFETY—“Dwell in Safety,” verse 12. 4. STRENGTH—“So shall Thy Strength be,” verse 25. 5. SUFFICIENCY—“His hands be Sufficient for him,” verse 7. 6. SUBSTANCE—“His Substance,” verse 11. 7. SACRIFICE—“Sacrifice upon Thine Altar,” verse 10-19. —J. M. Eph. 3:19: For HIS Sake. Phil. 1:9: For O'UR Sake. Rom. 5:5: For the Sake of OTHERS. R. W. H.

Hudson Taylor in Early Years

Hudson Taylor, and the China Inland Mission

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D r. a n d M rs. H ow ard T aylor T his book tells th e sto ry of th e la te r y ears o f th e China Inland M ission an d is a co n ­ tin u atio n of th e sto ry begun in “H udson T ay lo r in E arly Y ears.” It is a m arvelous

record of th e grow th of a w ork of God, so m arvelous in fact, th a t if we did n o t know th a t it w as an ab so lu tely tru e re ­ co rd of events we w ould be inclined to class it a s pure fiction. C loth, $3.75 NOTICE— Com bined volum e— th e tw o books in one— T hin p a ­ per E dition— C loth, 5.75 By Margaret T. Applegarth A ban d o n in g th e usual bio g rap h ical m ethods, M rs. A p ­ p le g a rth has V ishm usw an, a H indu, tell th e life sto ry of W illiam C arey to a n incredulous listener. A s th e sto ry i

The S tory of John G. Paton

of David Livingstone By W,. G arden B laikie, D . D. "T he B ookm an" say s: "A f­ ter all th e y ears th a t have in ­ tervened, th is book still re ­ m ains th e m ost com plete, a u ­ th en tic a n d inspired of all th e biographies of L ivingstone." The unusual a d v an tag e a c ­ corded by th e fam ily to Mr. B laikie alone, to use the u n ­ published L ivingstone jo u rn als and correspondence, h as given this edition a preced en t over all others. C loth, $1.50 My Life and the Story of the Gospel Hymns By Ira D . Sankey "If ever a m an w as raised and endow ed fo r a special w ork b y O ur D ivine M aster, th a t m an w as Ira D. Sankey. He introduced a peculiar sty le of popular hym ns w hich a re calcu lated to aw aken th e careless, to m elt th e hardened, and to inquiring souls a guide to th e L ord Jesu s C hrist. This book gives th e sim ple sto ry of th e g re a t pow er of sacred Song. Cloth, $2.00

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Soul-winning incidents of especial interest to Christian Workers will be found on Pages 83-85 of this issue.

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