MMA Sports Rehab: Neck Pain and TMJ

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DO YOU WANT RELIEF FROM TMJ/ TMJD PAIN? Discover Natural Relief for Your TMJ Pain!


• Natural Pain Relief For Tmj/Tmjd Pain • Get Relief For Jaw, Face And Ear Pain

• Patient Success Spotlight • Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes


NATURAL PAIN RELIEF FOR TMJ/TMJD PAIN Help For TMJ Pain Your physical therapist will address the root cause of your pain such as poor jaw mobility, posture, weakness and decreased neck mobility. At MMA Sports Rehab, we will teach you one major exercise that will immediately unload the pressure from your TMJ which will lead to pain relief. We will equip you with techniques on how to relax and strengthen weak facial muscles, restore balance and improve mobility so you can get back to doing what you love. The goal is to make you better as quickly as possible. Our physical therapists will create a specific plan tailored to your particular case and timeline. Your participation is necessary for a good outcome. Clinical research shows that by following your specific treatment plan, you will get better faster, which translates to fewer visits, less costs and more time to do what you love. At MMA Sports Rehab, we help you reach your goal.  INSIDE : • Get Relief For Jaw, Face And Ear Pain • Healthy Recipe

• Patient Success Spotlight • Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes

• Clicking or popping of jaw when moving mouth • Locking of jaw • Pain with chewing food, talking, or general movement • Abnormal sensations and numbness of the jaw • Headaches • Limited jaw motion • Uncomfortable “off” bite • Deviation of jaw to one side

Why Physical Therapy? • Physical Therapy can help to: • Relieve headache, jaw and neck pain • Decrease inflammation • Restore normal joint/muscular movements • Correct posture • Increase range of motion

Symptoms of TMJ • Pain or soreness in face, jaw, neck or around the ear

Get Relief For Jaw, Face And Ear Pain

Do you suffer from jaw pain, headaches, painful chewing, or clicking and popping in your jaw? These could all be signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMJD. The temporomandibular joint is essentially where your jaw meets your skull It is one of the most complex joints in the body and can be affected by neck and head position, eating or chewing certain foods, habitual postures or positions, and direct trauma. It is also often associated with stress and poor sleep habits. Grinding the teeth or clenching the jaw during sleep are also common causes of TMJD and your dentist might be the first person to make you aware that you have this syndrome based on the wear pattern on your teeth. Other symptoms of TMJD may include neck pain, ear ache or pressure, aching or tingling around the ear, face, or jaw, or even pain in the teeth. What Causes TMJ Syndrome? Multiple factors contribute to the muscle tightness and dysfunction that characterize this condition. Most often, poor posture and neck alignment change the pull of the muscles that make your jaw move. This causes painful grinding and irritation of the TMJ. Other causes may include:

developed to quickly relieve your pain and restore natural movement to your TMJ. Furthermore, our physical therapists will teach you techniques for regaining normal jaw movement for long lasting results. The focus of physical therapy for TMJD is relaxation, gentle movement and releasing tight muscles. In most cases, physical therapy can resolve TMJD and rarely is surgery needed.

• Arthritis or other inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders • Excessive gum chewing • Stress

• Poor alignment of or trauma to the teeth or jaw

• Teeth grinding • Poor posture

A lot can be done to help TMJ, first starting with a thorough evaluation of your problem with our expert physical therapists. Once the root cause of your problem has been discovered, a comprehensive plan can be

Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.

Healthy Recipe: Roquefort Pear Salad

• 1 head leaf lettuce, torn • 3 pears • 5 ounces Roquefort cheese • 1 avocado • 1/2 cup sliced green onions • 1/4 cup white sugar

Strengthens Neck

CERVICAL RETRACTION Stand with your back against a wall. Position a rolled up towel behind your neck. Tuck chin like you are nodding ‘yes’. Draw your chin closer to the back of your throat. Repeat 3 times.

• 1/2 cup pecans • 1/3 cup olive oil

• 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar • 1 1/2 teaspoons white sugar • 1 1/2 teaspoons prepared mustard • 1 clove garlic, chopped • 1/2 teaspoon salt

In a skillet over medium heat, stir 1/4 cup of sugar together with the pecans. Continue stirring gently until sugar has melted and caramelized the pecans. Carefully transfer nuts onto waxed paper. Allow to cool, and break into pieces. For the dressing, blend oil, vinegar, 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar, mustard, chopped garlic, salt,andpepper. Ina largeservingbowl, layer lettuce,pears,bluecheese,avocado, and green onions. Pour dressing over salad, sprinkle with pecans, and serve.

CALL TODAY! (703) 884-7084

Patient Success Spotlight

“Dr Shakya was able to help me for my shoulder, ankle, elbow and low back issues, improving my proper work office ergonomics, making my practice more efficient and healthy. I have referred many of my patients to him for Physical Therapy treatments and I believe Physical Therapy is a part of the comprehensive dental treatment plan.” - Dr. Fernando Maravi


2301 Columbia Pike, Ste. 126 Arlington, VA 22204

PHONE: (703) 566-1121 PHONE: (703) 566-2047 FAX: (571) 319-0953


Dr. Maravi earned his dental degree from San Luis Gonzaga University in Ica, Peru. He later received his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from New York University, College of Dentistry, where he also served as Associate Professor in the undergraduate program. After graduation, he obtained his Advanced Education in General Dentistry from the Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn. He has recently returned to the US from Germany after working since 1999 in a well-known private practice in Berlin. While in Germany, he also taught at the Free University Berlin School of Dental Medicine as an Associate Professor. He recently completed four years active duty in the U.S. Air Force, deploying to Afghanistan and Mali and achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

Away from the office he enjoys running marathons, classical music and traveling to new and adventurous places.

Dr. Maravi speaks four languages including German, Italian, English and Spanish.


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