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Home to Marion Bridge
Marion Bridge could be anywhere in Canada but the story is universal and now RAPA presents the award-winning play to theatre fans in Russell Township. —photo archive
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about their lives since they each left home, including past relationships, problems with abuse or addiction, and even sharing a sad smile or two over bittersweet memories. Nominated for Best Canadian Filmat the 2002 Toronto International Film Festival, the story of Marion Bridge combines drama andmusic with the pointed humour typical of those who call Cape Breton home. It tugs at the heart and offers a kind of hope that individuals can learn, to reconnect with the world rather than let themselves become isolated and alone. Directed by Jane Brownrigg and produced by Jean-François Royer, the RAPA spotlight shines on Marion Bridge Nov. 16 to 19, 7:30 p.m., at the Russell High School stage. Advance tickets available at Pronto and Village Paws in Russell, at Pierre et Fils and at the Village Bakery in Embrun.
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Des soumissions cachetées et clairement libellées seront acceptées par la soussignée jusqu’à 14 h le lundi 14 novembre 2016 pour le contrat suivant : Pour fournir un service de déneigement sur demande des accotements des rues de la Municipalité. Vous pouvez obtenir les formulaires de soumission ainsi que la description complète du contrat à l’hô- tel de ville durant les heures normales de 8 h à 16 h ou par courriel à info@casselman.ca La municipalité se réserve le droit d’accepter ou de rejeter une ou toute soumission reçue d’entre- preneurs qualifiés pour entreprendre ces travaux selon son propre jugement. APPELS D’OFFRES L’ENLÈVEMENT DES BANCS DE NEIGE
The latest production from the Russell Association for the Performing Arts is an award-winning Canadian play which helped launch the filmcareer of Ellen Page. Marion Bridge, by playwright Daniel MacIvor, is the story of three sisters who return home to Cape Breton to be with their dying mother. Agnes, Theresa, and Louise each share emotional and psychological scars from their past lives, along with some very personal traumas. Still they come together, as they share in both the caretaking and caregiving needs of their mother. Each in her own way tries to work out the loneliness that has become the main feature of life in the present. Sharing stories
Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m. on Mon- day, November 14th, 2016 for the following contract: To provide on demand services of snow removal on municipal streets shoulders. Tender forms and the complete description of the contract are available at the municipal office during regular hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or by email at info@casselman.ca The municipality reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations received and to determine in its own best judgment, the best qualified contractor.
Éric Gadoua,Travaillant/Surveillant Village de Casselman Village 751 rue St-Jean Street, Casselman ON K0A 1M0 613-764-3139, poste/ext. 513 • egadoua@casselman.ca
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