Ignite Magazine-October-2024

ignite 9

The construction of the Vagabond Southdown’s island bar airside at Gatwick Airport presented a unique set of challenges and requirements, demanding meticulous planning, innovative solutions, and adherence to strict regulations. From working within restricted environments to meeting tight deadlines, this project encapsulates the complexities of building within a highly regulated and operational airport setting. Airside construction required stringent security clearances, specialised training, and adherence to strict safety procedures to ensure minimal disruption to airport operations. Much of the construction work had to be conducted during out-of-hours periods and with limited windows of opportunity for work, meticulous scheduling and efficient resource allocation were imperative to meet Vagabonds deadlines. The circular design of the bar added a layer of complexity to the construction process, requiring precise measurements, specialised materials, and skilled craftsmanship. A challenging project airside with a unique round bar design executed seamlessly for a very happy client.

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