Metrics Monthly | September 2020 | AU Edition

LendingMetrics is ever striving to improve, and offer the best service possible, so we also asked clients for feedback regarding improvements. The comments were highly construc - tive and all suggestions will be includ - ed in our future planning process. By frequently inviting feedback and com - ments, through surveys and individual consultations, LendingMetrics is able to

support clients, identify any roadblocks and improve our services on a continu - ous basis. This attentiveness and reac - tivity is likely to be the reason behind so many of our clients and partners voting for us for the ‘Technology Partner of the Year’ award, whom we want to thank for their support. The full scores from the survey can be seen below.

[The] experience has been excel- lent and the im- provements that have happened with the videos etc are great and have enabled me to be able to cross train the system to others very easily. The visual nature of the product has helped deliver to the non tech side. - Client feedback

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