The Lakes South Morang College Newsletter PRINCIPAL REPORT
School Leadership in conjunction with School Council are working hard to update facilities across both campuses. On the Primary Campus, there are a number of priorities that we are looking to improve across the remainder of 2023. These include updating and refurbishment of the student toilets, carpets, updating landscaping around the front of the school and carpark areas and the development of basketball courts at the front of the school. Staff and student voice have been instrumental in the development of these projects as we continue to work hard to give our students the best opportunity to succeed and be proud of their school. With the development of spaces around the car park may mean changes to the Kiss and Drop area moving into Term 3. Our priority is to keep our students as safe as possible when arriving and leaving school at the end of the day. Information around these changes will be sent home to families via Sentral across the next few weeks so please keep your eyes open for these changes. I remind parents/carers to be vigilant when driving students to school especially when entering the car park. Students can be unpredictable in nature, so please slow down and be patient with one another. I also ask that when walking students into school that you use the single gate on Gordons Road to enter and exit the school. We have far too many parents/carers and students walking through the car park to enter the school when cars are dropping off. The car park area is only for parents/carers who are dropping students off in cars not a thorough fare to people to walk through. Thank you for your support to keep all students safe. A quick reminder to parents/carers regarding correct school uniform. With the cold weather here to stay for the short term, a number of students on both campuses have begun to alter their school uniform and add multi colored shoes, leggings or long sleeved t - shirts under their school tops. Our uniform is one that reinforces school pride and sets the standard in the community. We try our best to support families and students during these cold times but it is important that students adhere to our school uniform policy. Any issues, please come and speak to the school.
Please remember we have several reminders/events happening on the Primary Campus across the next few weeks.
• Parent Helpers course will take place on Friday the 2nd and 9th of June in our Primary Campus Staffroom from 9:00 am - 10:30am. If parents are interested in attending these training days, notes need to be returned to the front office by today, 26 th May 2023. A massive thank you to Leah who continues to give up her time to provide the best opportunities for our students and parents.
• Year 5/6 Camp is happening next Wednesday 31 st May returning Friday 2 nd June.
• Breakfast Club continues to run on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.15am - 8.45am. This is a great way for students to fuel up before a big day of learning but to also spend a relaxing time with teachers. Families are reminded that students cannot be expected to be in the best mindset if they come to school without breakfast or healthy snacks like fresh fruit. This is important if they are to maximise their learning and academic potential.
Have a wonderful weekend.
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