Hello all,
A very belated welcome to Term 2. I hope you all had a lovely break during the April school holidays.
At School Council ’ s most recent meeting on May 16, we:
• Heard from our student reps and the request for a waterproof jacket as part of school uniform. We will discuss this in depth more at our next Council meeting;
Raised covering the bike/scooter area on Primary;
• Had a very robust and lengthy discussion regarding the need for a fundraising committee and potential easy fundraising projects that can be implemented straight away, together with a need for holding social family events;
• Discussed what the iPad program for Prep – Year 2s would look like going forward from 2024;
• Had a status update on needing security cameras on both campuses; and
• Discussed student safety in the ’ kiss and drop ’ zone on the Primary campus carpark in both the mornings and afternoons;
A big ‘ hot topic ’ this month has been increasing parent engagement, both through social family events/fundraising, and in the classrooms. Whilst it has always been something in the back of our minds for the past 15 months, the message came out loud and clear in the 2022 School Review that this needed to be an area of focus. Therefore, this month we have felt that it is now the right time to re - establish a positive parent/carer and family engagement culture; find out more from parents/carers as to what they want and need when it comes to school engagement; and most importantly, what actions can we implement now. It has been kickstarted with holding a Prep Parent/Carer/Principal Q&A session at the end of last term and last Thursday ’ s Open Day for Education Week, but to progress further we need to hear from you, so we are in the process of developing a survey to hear your thoughts and feedback on ideas on how you want to be better engaged with the school. Enjoy the rest of Term 2 and as always, if you have any issues, ideas, questions that you would like raised at our next Council meeting, or any other support, we are more than happy to hear from families so please feel free to send me an email to Council meets twice per term on a Tuesday at 5:30pm and visitors and observers are always welcome!
Amanda Farrelly School Council President
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