King's Business - 1924-10



KIN .G ’ S


October 1924

Trade will converge again to the east and,the Euphrates Railway may be a factor in trade circles very soon. Daniel 11:33 tells of the period between the rapture of the Church and the “ time of the end” of Daniel’s 70th week. It states that many of the Jews “ shall fall by sword,, flame, captivity and spoil many days.” Many captive Jews will be in the rebuilt city, Babylon, as we shall see from various Scriptures. God will open the way for their escape and deliverance in a marvelous way, even greater than the great deliverance from Egypt under Moses. From careful reading of Revelation, Chapters 17 and 18, it appears to describe the city rebuilt, its marvelous trade and earthly glory, while the latter chapter tells of its utter destruction by fire “ in an hour.” The recent earthquake in Japan and the Are that followed, causing unprecedented loss of life and treasure, stands out vividly before our minds, telling us of what the future may hold for other lands and people. Who W ill Rebuild Babylon? Someone may well ask “ Who will build Babylon again?” If we turn our minds back to past history we are reminded that its founder, Nimrod, was one who gloried in his impiety and disregard of God. “ Even as Nimrod, that mighty hunter against the Lord” is the import of the Divine record, and other world rulers who have lived in Babylon have coveted Divine prerogatives and worship. The last ruler of Babylon—who wild be overlord of Europe—will be no different. “ So that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself to be God” is the character given by the Holy Spirit in 2 Thess. 2:4. A more common name for him is “antichrist” and clearly describes what he is. He will come into prominence like Lenin and Trotsky or Mussolini— not born to the throne but coming into power by force of circumstances. Revela­ tion gives us the picture of a woman sitting on a scarlet colored beast. Chs. 17, v. 18, states “ The woman . . . is that great city.” The name on her forehead is “ Babylon.” Many have seen here the worship of the Church of Rome. We do not think she Is referred to here. In Babylon again will be continued and flourish all the false systems of the world. The modern Madonna, and the child, existed under another name centuries before, in Babylonish worship. The seven heads or “ mountains on which the woman sits” does not refer geographically to her surroundings, but to the powers that have upheld her since her first building. A “ moun­ tain” in scripture refers sometimes to a king. “ Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain.” Zeoh. 4:7. The mountains in Revelation 17 are “ kings” (see v. 10, R. V.) and mean that seven dif­ ferent world powers will be responsible for the existence of Babylon. At the time of the vision, five of these great empires had come and gone, one was in existence, the sev­ enth has not yet come. The five empires in touch with Babylon who were “ fallen” may be Assyria, Babylon, Media, Peraiainnd Greece. Rome was in power when John had the message given in Patmos. The ruler to build and control Babylon is still in the future. Scripture says he will be the seventh world ruler. We have no difficulty in recognizing Antichrist as the future world ruler, combining seven world powers—as seen in the seven heads and ten horns, illus­ trative of ten kings to hold rule under him during the forty two months God allows him to remain in power. An eighth ruler is mentioned and “ is of the seven.” (17:11). As the head of the seventh world empire soon to be set up, he is slain in battle and raised from the dead, (13:1-4) and in his final stage is seen as the eighth head.

Now, how does it come about, if Antichrist builds Baby­ lon. as his inland Capital city and restores some of its ancient glory, that it is destroyed by the ten kings under his Control? The subject is too long for a short article, but readers are invited to read “What Shall Be Done in the Dry” and "Mesopotamia and Babylon” by the author where the subject is further treated. The Method of Destruction We learn from Jeremiah 61:46 that in the latter days of this great city, previous to its destruction, civil war will be present and be directly responsible for the loss of the city. There will be “ violence in the land, ruler against ruler.” Antichrist having his hands and head full of world conquest schemes, apparently leaves a prince or ruler in charge of the rebuilt city. Seeing the time opportune, this ruler seizes the position of supreme ruler. A rumor reaches him that this action is to be punished. A year goes past and the rumor is repeated, which soon passes into action. See Rev. 17:16, which tells of the concerted action of the allied ten Bolshevik nations in the siege of Babylon. Jeremiah 50:41-46 tells the same story. The great city is visited by an earthquake at this time (Rev. 16:18). Fires break out and Babylon goes up in smoke; the ground being bituminous, tyurns also, and from Chap. 14, vs. 8-11, it seems as if it burns all the years of the millennium, smoking forever as long as the earth lasts. These countries are little known and had it not been for the late war, we would have known little yet about them, or about the people who inhabit the land which was the cradle of the human race. Renewed Activity in Mesopotamia One thing is clear. There is an activity in the East not seen for centuries. The British occupation of Mesopotamia has done wonders and is a clear sign that God’s sure word of prophecy is about to be fulfilled. The great outlet for commerce in Mesopotamia is the Mediterranean and we may expect Tyre to come into prominence in the coming years. Antichrist as well as being king of Babylon (Isa. 14) is also prince of Tyre, the one being his inland capital, and the other his seaport. The Jews in Babylon at the time cf its destruction are remarkably preserved and saved out of the doomed city, reminding us of how Lot was saved from Sodom, and later when many Jews escaped from Jerusalem during the siege by Titus, and fled to Pella, a city some miles away. These Jews will cross the great Assyrian desert and join with Jews in Edom and Moab, at the time of the Lord’s return in glory to set up His kingdom. (See Isaiah 21st and 64th Chapters: Daniel 11:44). Events move very rapidly in our day, and we are on the eve of great changes in the world’s affairs. First of all, the Lord will come for His own people, and take them to heaven in a moment— the living changed and the dead raised. Will you be among the number to hear the shout and rise to meet Him? The days of Gospel preaching are few, for the door of mercy will soon shut— the harvest be past, the summer ended and many not saved. ♦“What Shall Be Done in The Dry”— James Dunbar— $1.25, postage 12c extra, Biola Book Room, Bible Institute. •S>4. .gifc jig REALLY HELPFUL HELPS on C. E. TOPICS Will be Found on Page 636.

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